Du kannst mit folgendem Code einen String in ein Array zerlegen
Function StringToArray( Byval stringList As String, delimiter As String ) As Variant
' Description:
' The StringToArray function converts a delimited string or list to an array.
' Declare the array
Dim resultArray( ) As Variant
' Set initial count
Dim elementCount As Integer
elementCount = -1
' Build the array from the string
While ( Instr( stringList, delimiter ) <> 0 )
elementCount = elementCount + 1
Redim Preserve resultArray( elementCount ) As Variant
resultArray( elementCount ) = Trim$( Left$( stringList, Instr( stringList, delimiter ) - 1) )
stringList = Right$( stringList, ( Len( stringList ) - Instr( stringList, delimiter) ) )
' Get the remaining element from the list
elementCount = elementCount + 1
Redim Preserve resultArray( elementCount ) As Variant
resultArray( elementCount ) = Trim$( stringList )
' Return the Array
StringToArray = resultArray( )
End Function