Bi Verwendung der DLL aus der Sandbox funktioniert der Zugriff problemlos. Leider gibt es ein Memory Leak. Lässt man den Code in einem Agenten auf dem Server laufen, wird irgendwann der Server in die Knie gehen. Der damalige Entwickler ist nicht mehr erreichbar. Daher wird es auch niemanden geben der das Problem beheben könnte. Möglicherweise taucht irgendwann einmal der SourceCode auf.
Evtl kann Axel Janssen ja einen Agenten unter Verwendung der Java Klassen hier posten.
Ich habe auch noch probiert, die Windows API direkt aufzurufen. Mit ein paar Tricks habe ich das auch bis zum LDAP_BIND geschafft. Alle anderen Operationen resultieren unweigerlich in einem Crash des Client ...
Hier einmal das, was ich bisher habe. Wenn jemand Lust hat, kann er ja malsein Glück versuchen ...
Const LDAP_SSL_PORT = 636
Const LDAP_PORT = 389
Declare Function ldap_init Lib "wldap32.dll" (Byval HostName As String, Byval PortNumber As Long) As Long
Declare Function ldap_connect Lib "wldap32.dll"(ld As Long, timeout As Long) As Integer
Declare Function LDAP_BIND Lib "wldap32.dll" Alias "ldap_simple_bind_s" (ld As Long, dn As String, passwd As String) As Long
Declare Function ldap_unbind Lib "wldap32.dll" (ld As Long) As Integer
Declare Function ldap_get_dn Lib "wldap32.dll" (ld As Long, enty As String) As String
Declare Function ldap_search Lib "wldap32.dll"(ld As Long, Byval baseDN As String, Byval scope As Long, Byval filter As String, attrs As String, Byval attrsonly As Long) As Long
Declare Function ldap_sslinit Lib "wldap32.dll" (hostName As String, portNumber As Integer, secure As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function LdapGetLastError Lib "wldap32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function ldap_bind_s Lib "wldap32.dll" (ld As Long, dn As String, passwd As String, method As Integer) As Integer
LDAP_SUCCESS 0x00 Sucessful request.
LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR 0x01 Intialization of LDAP library
LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR 0x02 Protocol error occurred.
LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x03 Time limit has exceeded.
LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x04 Size limit has exceeded.
LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE 0x05 Compare yielded FALSE.
LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE 0x06 Compare yielded TRUE.
LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x07 The authentication method is not
LDAP_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED 0x08 Strong authentication is required.
LDAP_REFERRAL_V2 0x09 LDAP version 2 referral.
LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS 0x09 Partial results and referrals
LDAP_REFERRAL 0x0a Referral occurred.
LDAP_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x0b Administration limit on the server
has exceeded.
LDAP_UNAVAILABLE_CRIT_EXTENSION 0x0c Critical extension is unavailable.
LDAP_CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED 0x0d Confidentiality is required.
LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE 0x10 Requested attribute does not
LDAP_UNDEFINED_TYPE 0x11 The type is not defined.
LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING 0x12 An inappropriate matching
LDAP_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION 0x13 A constraint violation occurred.
LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS 0x14 The attribute exists or the value
has been assigned.
LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX 0x15 The syntax is invalid.
LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT 0x20 Object does not exist.
LDAP_ALIAS_PROBLEM 0x21 The alias is invalid.
LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX 0x22 The distinguished name has an
invalid syntax.
LDAP_IS_LEAF 0x23 The object is a leaf.
LDAP_ALIAS_DEREF_PROBLEM 0x24 Cannot de-reference the alias.
LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH 0x30 Authentication is inappropriate.
LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS 0x31 The supplied credential is
LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_RIGHTS 0x32 The user has insufficient access
LDAP_BUSY 0x33 The server is busy.
LDAP_UNAVAILABLE 0x34 The server is unavailable.
LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM 0x35 The server does not handle
directory requests.
LDAP_LOOP_DETECT 0x36 The chain of referrals has looped
back to a referring server.
LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION 0x40 There was a naming violation.
LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION 0x41 There was an object class
LDAP_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NONLEAF 0x42 Operation is not allowed on a
non-leaf object.
LDAP_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN 0x43 Operation is not allowed on RDN.
LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS 0x44 The object already exists.
LDAP_NO_OBJECT_CLASS_MODS 0x45 Cannot modify object class.
LDAP_RESULTS_TOO_LARGE 0x46 Results returned are too large.
LDAP_AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS 0x47 Multiple directory service agents
are affected.
LDAP_OTHER 0x50 Unknown error occurred.
LDAP_SERVER_DOWN 0x51 (81) Cannot contact the LDAP server.
LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR 0x52 Local error occurred.
LDAP_ENCODING_ERROR 0x53 Encoding error occurred.
LDAP_DECODING_ERROR 0x54 Decoding error occurred.
LDAP_TIMEOUT 0x55 The search was timed out.
LDAP_AUTH_UNKNOWN 0x56 Unknown authentication error
LDAP_FILTER_ERROR 0x57 The search filter is incorrect.
LDAP_USER_CANCELLED 0x58 The user has canceled the
LDAP_PARAM_ERROR 0x59 An incorrect parameter was passed
to a routine.
LDAP_NO_MEMORY 0x5a The system is out of memory.
LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR 0x5b Cannot establish a connection to
the server.
LDAP_NOT_SUPPORTED 0x5c The feature is not supported.
LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND 0x5d The ldap function did not find the
specified control.
LDAP_NO_RESULTS_RETURNED 0x5e The feature is not supported.
LDAP_MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN 0x5f Additional results are to be
LDAP_CLIENT_LOOP 0x60 Client loop was detected.
LDAP_REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 0x61 The referral limit was exceeded.
LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS 0x0E Intermediary bind result for
multi-stage binds
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim hnd As Long
Dim HOSTNAME As String
If LDAP_CONNECT(Byval hnd, Byval 0) = 0 Then
If LDAP_BIND(Byval hnd, Null, Null) = 0 Then
Msgbox "Bound to: "& HOSTNAME
Msgbox "Cannot bind to: "& HOSTNAME
End If
Msgbox "Cannot connect to: "& HOSTNAME
Exit Sub
End If
Msgbox ldap_unbind(Byval hnd)
End Sub
ICh mache ab Dienstag 14 Tage Urlaub und werde die Finger vom Rechner lassen ...
