Autor Thema: Update von 4.5x/4.6x nach Notes/Domino 6  (Gelesen 2923 mal)

Offline eknori

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Update von 4.5x/4.6x nach Notes/Domino 6
« am: 11.10.02 - 13:52:10 »
Frisch aus der KnowledgeBase ( 10.10.2002)

Steps for Migrating from Notes/Domino 4.5x/4.6x to Notes/Domino 6

This is the recommended procedure for upgrading from Notes 4.5x/4.6x to Notes/Domino 6


Before upgrading to Domino 4.5x or 4.6x to Domino 6 it is recommended that you do the following:

1.   Ensure that database clean up is completed by doing the following on the 4.5.x or 4.6.x Domino server:

Rebuild all views (Updall -v).
Run consistency checks (Fixup).
Run Compact (Compact).

2.   Because Domino 6 is scaled to handle more users concurrently, it is recommended that any stabilizing NOTES.INI parameters, such as the following, be removed or commented out of the NOTES.INI:



After database cleanup is completed, migrate as follows:

Install the Notes 6 Administration Client (Domino Administrator) to administer the Domino 6 server.
Upgrade the Address Book (this is done by upgrading the Domino server that is the Administration Server of the Public Address Book) to Domino 6 first.
Replicate the Domino Directory to the other servers.
Note:  If you are running any third-party applications that use the R4.5/R4.6 Domino Directory design, do not replicate the design of the Domino Directory to those servers until the Domino 6 Design has been certified by the third-party vendor.
Upgrade the Hub servers.
Upgrade the Mail servers.
Upgrade the SMTP servers.
Upgrade the Web servers.
Upgrade the Application servers.
Any third-party/companion product server (check for Domino 6 readiness).
Upgrade the database format by converting the .NSF format on the applications or mail files by running the Compact command on the Domino R5 server.
Upgrade the general population of Notes Client users to Notes 6.
Note:  If you  are upgrading your executives to the Notes 6 client, upgrade their assistants to Notes 6 at the same time.  This will alleviate any limitations when managing calendars.
Replace the design of any database/mail files with any new Notes 6 design changes last.  For mail files, the Convert command can be run on the Domino 6 server to change the design of the mail file.


For Converting the Database Applications

For databases that you do not want converted to the new Domino 6 format when Compact runs on the Domino 6 server, pull a new local replica of the database with an .NS4 extension.  Renaming the file extension at the operating system prompt will not prevent the database from being converted.

To avoid databases being converted to the Domino 6 format (ODS43), it is recommended that Program documents running Compact on the server be disabled.

For Calendar and Scheduling (C&S) in Mixed Environments

In order for Notes 4.5x/4.6x Clients to be able to send or respond to meeting invitations with Notes 6 Clients, all Notes 4.5x and 4.6x Client mail files must be based off either the 'StdR45Mail' template (MAIL45.NTF), which ships with the Notes 4.5.7 Client (or higher), or the 'StdR46Mail' (MAIL46.NTF) template, which ships with the Notes 4.6.3b Client (or higher), respectively.  In addition, it is highly recommended for the 4.5x/4.6x mail files to be on a Domino 6 mail server.  Some meeting workflow between a Notes 4.5x/4.6x mail file and a Notes 6 mail file are NOT supported when the 4.5x/4.6x mail file resides on a 4.5x/4.6x Domino server.

The actual Notes Client code of 4.5.7 or 4.6.3b is not required on the workstations.  However, customers are strongly advised to upgrade the client code to the latest release to address other issues related to the Notes Client prior to 4.5.7 or 4.6.3b.

If a customer will be in a mixed environment that includes the following:

Domino 6 Mail servers, with 4.5x/4.6x clients and Notes 6 clients with all 4.5x/4.6x mail files --->  No template changes are required.

NOTE:If the migration to Notes 6 includes upgrading to a Notes 6 Client, then it is recommended to apply the 4.5.7 or 4.6.3b mail templates in the event that a Notes 6 user converts his/her mail file to the Notes 6 mail template.  This does not mean that the customer must upgrade the server from 4.5x/4.6x to 4.5.7/4.6.3b first and then to Domino 6.  The customer must simply acquire the Notes 4.6.3b/4.5.7 Client CD, and after an installation of the client or server, copy the MAIL45.NTF or MAIL46.NTF to the Domino server.

Domino 6 Mail servers, with 4.5x/4.6x clients and any Notes 6 clients with any Notes 6 mail file design --->  The 4.5.7/4.6.3b or higher template is required.

NOTE:If you are not running with the required mail templates to schedule meetings in a mixed R4.5x/R4.6x and Domino 6 mail file environment as stated in the above configuration, you will run into meeting workflow issues.  Lotus has not tested unsupported coexistence meeting workflow issues and therefore cannot document every issue that can occur.

Customers are strongly advised to upgrade the client code to the latest release to address other issues related to the Notes Client prior to 4.5.7 or 4.6.3b.


In order for 4.5x/4.6x users to use the 'Open Another Calendar' feature to view the calendar of a Notes 6 user, the following configurations are required.

Required configuration for 4.6x user:
Notes Client version must be 4.6.4 or higher
Mail file design template (MAIL46.NTF) must be from Domino Server 4.6.3b or higher


Required configuration for 4.5x user:
Notes Client version must be 4.5.7 or higher
Mail file design template (MAIL45.NTF) must be from Domino Server 4.5.7 or higher

Required configuration for Notes 6 user in order for a 4.5.7 (or higher) or 4.6.4 (or higher) user to view the calendar through 'Open another calendar' functionality:

Mail file design template (MAIL6.NTF) must be from Domino 6 Server or higher.
It does not matter what Notes 6 Client version this person has.  However, the mail file must be based off the Mail template that ships with Domino 6 Server.
Domino Server version must be Domino 6.

Refer to the document titled "4.5x/4.6x C&S: "Error Loading USE or USELSX Module:CSEventClass" When Opening Another Calendar" (#171414 ) for information on problems that occur when using a mail template lower than that of 5.0.3.

The templates cited above are required in order to allow the meeting workflow between the Stdr45mail/Std46mail and Stdr60mail designs to work without issues.

Note:   The 'Open Another Calendar' feature will only allow the Notes 4.5.7 (or higher) and 4.6.4 Clients (or higher) to view the Notes 6 calendar.  There is no support for the editing or opening of the individual calendar documents themselves (meaning, if a customer double-clicks a meeting invitation while in the view of that Notes 6 calendar in an attempt to open it, he/she will receive error messages).  This is by design.
Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!

Offline Maik

  • Frischling
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Re:Update von 4.5x/4.6x nach Notes/Domino 6
« Antwort #1 am: 24.10.02 - 17:19:30 »

hmmm.... warum dieser Eintrag ?
Ich denke immernoch never change a running system
und bin bisher sehr gut damit gefahren.
40 x Domino Server 8.5.3FP4 auf Windows 2003 Standard und Oracle Linux 5U 8

Offline eknori

  • @Notes Preisträger
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Re:Update von 4.5x/4.6x nach Notes/Domino 6
« Antwort #2 am: 24.10.02 - 17:38:56 »
in anlehnung an deinen Profilslogan sage ich dazu nur

... Schweigen ist Gold

Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!

Offline Maik

  • Frischling
  • *
  • Beiträge: 6
  • Geschlecht: Männlich
Re:Update von 4.5x/4.6x nach Notes/Domino 6
« Antwort #3 am: 24.10.02 - 17:56:26 »
Da hast du wohl recht.

Wir hatten übrigens auch schon in Richtung
Notes/Domino 6 geschaut.
Aber uns fehlt es bei dem was wir mit 4.6 machen
an nichts. Warum also wechseln ?

40 x Domino Server 8.5.3FP4 auf Windows 2003 Standard und Oracle Linux 5U 8


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