Autor Thema: Private View ändern in.....  (Gelesen 1638 mal)

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Private View ändern in.....
« am: 11.10.02 - 11:49:02 »
Hallo liebe Gemeinde,

ist es möglich, eine Private View wieder gemeinsam nutzbar zumachen?

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Re:Private View ändern in.....
« Antwort #1 am: 11.10.02 - 11:56:03 »

Eine direkte Umwandlung ist mir unbekannt. Ich kenne nur den Weg dies über eine neue Ansicht zu machen und dabei das Design der privaten View zu nehmen. Anschließend die private View löschen und dann die neue Umbenennen...

Grüßle Toni :)

Offline Axel

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Re:Private View ändern in.....
« Antwort #2 am: 11.10.02 - 12:12:22 »

das hab ich vor einiger Zeit aus dem Web gefischt. Probiert hab ich's allerdings noch nicht.

Can i convert my personal folders to shared folders
Here the code. I used Notes API to increase speed, thus it run on Win32 platform
only. I have another that run on all platforms in case if you are using Unix or

Declare Function W32_NSFDbOpen Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "NSFDbOpen" (Byval DbName
As String, hDB As Long) As Integer
Declare Function W32_NSFDbClose Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "NSFDbClose" (Byval hDB
As Long) As Integer

Declare Function NIFOpenCollection Lib "nnotes.dll" ( Byval hVDB As Long, Byval
hDDB As Long, Byval NoteID As Long, oFlags As Long, Byval hUL As Long,_
hCol As Long, hNote As Any, UNID As Any,  hCL As Any, hSL As Any) As Integer
Declare Function NIFCloseCollection Lib "nnotes.dll"  ( Byval hCol As Long) As
Declare Function NIFFindDesignNote Lib "nnotes.dll"  (Byval hDB As Long, Byval
vName As String, Byval Cl As Long, NID As Long) As Integer
Declare Function NIFFindPrivateDesignNote Lib "nnotes.dll"  (Byval hDB As Long,
Byval vName As String, Byval Cl As Long, NID As Long) As Integer
Declare Function NSFNoteDelete Lib "nnotes.dll" ( Byval hDB As Long, Byval
NoteID As Long, Byval flag As Integer) As Integer

Declare Function FolderCreate Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hDDB As Long, Byval hFDDB
As Long, Byval tID As Long, Byval hForDB As Long, Byval fname As String,_
Byval sname As Integer, Byval dType As Long, Byval Flag As Long, noteID As Long
  ) As Integer
Declare Function FolderDocAdd Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hDDB As Long, Byval hFDDB
As Long, Byval noteID As Long, Byval hTable As Long, Byval Flag As Long) As
Declare Function FolderDelete Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hDDB As Long, Byval hFDDB
As Long, Byval hFolder As Long, Byval flag As Long) As Integer
Declare Function FolderRename Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hDDB As Long, Byval hFDDB
As Long, Byval hFolder As Long, Byval nName As String, Byval nSize As Integer,
Byval flag As Long) As Integer

Declare Function IDCreateTable Lib "nnotes.dll" ( Byval Align As Long, hTable As
 Long  ) As Integer
Declare Function IDDestroyTable Lib "nnotes.dll" ( Byval hTable As Long  ) As
Declare Function IDInsert Lib "nnotes.dll" ( Byval hTable As Long, Byval Id As
Long, isIn As Any  ) As Integer

Declare Function OSLoadString Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hM As Long, Byval StrCode
As Integer, Byval Errstr As String, Byval bsize As Integer  ) As Integer
Declare Function OSLockObject Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval Handle As Long) As Long
Declare Function OSUnlockObject Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval Handle As Long) As
Declare Function OSMemFree Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval Handle As Long) As Integer

Type CPos
     level As Integer
     MinLevel As String *1
     MaxLevel As String *1
     Tumbler(0 To 31) As Long
End Type

Declare Function NIFReadEntries Lib "nnotes.dll" (Byval hC As Long, cP As Lmbcs
Cpos, Byval SN As Integer, Byval SC As Long, Byval RN As Integer, Byval RC As
Long, Byval RM As Long,_
rB As Long, rBL As Any, rNES As Any, rNER As Long, rF As Integer) As Integer

Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory"  ( Dest As Long,
Byval source As Long, Byval length As Long)

Sub Initialize
     Dim ColPos As CPos
     Dim hB As Long
     Dim NF As Long
     Dim sF As Integer
     Dim idlist As Long
     Dim idarr() As Long
     Dim i As Long
     Dim stat As Integer
     Dim s As New NotesSession
     Dim db As NotesDatabase
     Dim dbpath As String
     Dim rc As Integer
     Dim hDb As Long
     Dim view As NotesView
     Dim doc As NotesDocument
     Dim profile As NotesDocument
     Dim noteID As Long
     Dim fNoteID As Long
     Dim tNoteID As Long
     Dim fName As String
     Dim docnoteID As Long
     Dim hTable As Long
     Dim hC As Long
     Dim isIn As Integer

     On Error Goto Oops

     Set db = s.CurrentDatabase
     If db.server = "" Then
          dbpath = db.Filepath
          dbpath = db.server & "!!" & db.Filepath
     End If

     rc = W32_NSFDbOpen(dbpath, hDb)
     If rc <> 0 Then Error rc
     rc = NIFFindDesignNote(hDb, "($Inbox)", &H0008, tNoteID)
     If rc <> 0 Then Error rc
     Forall v In db.views
          fName = v.Name
          If v.isFolder And Instr(fName, "($" ) < 1 Then
               rc = NIFFindDesignNote(hDb, fName, &H0008, noteID)
               If noteID = 0 Then
                    rc = NIFFindPrivateDesignNote(hDb, fName, &H0008, noteID)
               End If
               If noteID = 0 Then Error rc

               rc = NIFOpenCollection(hDb, hDb, noteID, &H0002, 0, hC, Byval
&H0&, Byval &H0&, Byval &H0&, Byval &H0&)
               If rc <> 0 Then Error rc
               ColPos.Level = 0
               ColPos.Tumbler(0) = 0

                    rc = NIFReadEntries(hC, ColPos, 1, 1&, 1, &HFFFF&,
&H00000001&, hB, Byval &H0& , Byval &H0&, NF, sF )
                    If rc <> 0 Then Error rc
                    rc = FolderCreate(hDb, 0, tNoteID, 0, "TEMP DO NOT DELETE -
" + fName, Len("TEMP DO NOT DELETE - " + fName), 0, 0, fNoteID)
                    If rc <> 0 Then Error rc
                    If (hB <> 0) Then
                         idlist = OsLockObject(hB)
                         Redim idarr(0 To NF - 1)
                         Call CopyMemory( idarr(0), idlist, NF * 4)

                         rc = IDCreateTable(0, hTable)
                         If rc <> 0 Then Error rc
                         For i = 0 To NF -1
                              rc = IDInsert(hTable, idarr(i), Byval &H0&)
                         rc = FolderDocAdd(hDb, 0, fNoteID, hTable, 0)
                         If rc <> 0 Then Error rc
                         rc = IDDestroyTable(hTable)
                         If rc <> 0 Then Error rc
                    End If
               Loop While ( sF And &H0020 )
               rc = NSFNoteDelete (hDb, noteID, 1)
               If rc <> 0 Then Error rc
               rc = FolderRename(hDb, 0, fNoteID, fName, Len(fName), 0&)
               If rc <> 0 Then Error rc

               rc = NIFCloseCollection(hC)
               If rc <> 0 Then Error rc
          End If
          noteID = 0
     End Forall
     rc = W32_NSFDbClose(hDb)
     If rc <> 0 Then Error rc

     Set profile = db.GetProfileDocument("Folders Conversion")
     profile.Status = "Completed"
     Call profile.Save(True, True)
     Msgbox("Congratulation! Folder Conversion Procedure completed.")
     Exit Sub
     Messagebox("An Error happened while converting folders. Please contact
administrator." + Cstr(rc))
     Exit Sub
End Sub

Sas on 08/14/2000 05:20:42 AM

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 Sent by:                        
 To:      Multiple recipients of list LNOTES-L                
 cc:      (bcc: Alex Gorlenko/HNS)                            
 Subject: Re: Can i convert my personal folders to shared    

Please post the code
neelam on 11-08-2000 07:38:07 PM

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Sent by:

To:   Multiple recipients of list LNOTES-L <>

Subject:  Re: Can i convert my personal folders to shared folders

If you are on R5 there is a build in agent in Mail Template (called like
folders). If you are stil on R4.6 I can send you some code.

Sas on 08/10/2000 11:52:55 AM

Please respond to

 Sent by:

 To:      Multiple recipients of list LNOTES-L

 cc:      (bcc: Alex Gorlenko/HNS)

 Subject: Can i convert my personal folders to shared folders


I know lotus help says no for converting personal folders to shared
if some buddy knows any way to do it,just let me know...

Thanks in advance..

Ohne Computer wären wir noch lange nicht hinterm Mond!

Offline adminnaddel

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Re:Private View ändern in.....
« Antwort #3 am: 11.10.02 - 12:13:51 »
ja, da muss ich dir wohl recht geben. ist aber ja auch kein grosser org-aufwand.

aber noch ne kleinigkeit von mir:
kann man den die sortierreihenfolge in der view ändern?
zZ stehen die zB ordner oder views ja alphabetisch!


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