Autor Thema: SMTP-Adresse automatisch vom NAB ziehen  (Gelesen 3867 mal)

Offline gossifu

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SMTP-Adresse automatisch vom NAB ziehen
« am: 02.02.07 - 17:12:09 »

welcher Notes.ini - Parameter ist es, wenn ich möchte, dass unabhängig, was im Arbeitsumgebungsdokument des Users steht, die SMTP-Adresse beim Versenden aus dem NAB gezogen wird? Irgendetwas gab es da.


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Re: SMTP-Adresse automatisch vom NAB ziehen
« Antwort #1 am: 05.02.07 - 11:02:17 »
Ich meine, das ist in den MIME Settings:
Notes items to be removed from headers: hier müsste "INetFrom" rein.

100% Sicher bin ich mir aber nicht mehr :-:

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Re: SMTP-Adresse automatisch vom NAB ziehen
« Antwort #2 am: 05.02.07 - 11:06:33 »
Das stimmt schon:

How is a 'From' or 'Reply to' Internet address formed
Lotus Domino  >  Lotus Domino Server  >  Versions 7.0, 6.5
AIX, Linux, OS/390, OS/400, Windows
Doc Number:

Published   08.12.2006


When sending messages from a mail-in database in Lotus Domino®, the From and/or Reply To Internet address is not always what you expect.

Domino populates the Reply To address in an outgoing message depending on the presence of several fields (From, iNetFrom, Principal, $iNetPrincipal) in the message. Each field corresponds to specific information available to Notes:

From --> name on the Lotus Notes® ID being used.

iNetFrom --> address specified in the Internet Address field in the Location Document being used.

Principal --> name populated in the Mail File Owner field of the database being used.

When the From field is equal to the Principal field:
Domino will use iNetFrom. If no iNetFrom field is present, it will use the Global Domain Document, Configuration Document, and Person Document settings to create the appropriate address.

When the From field is not equal to the Principal field:
Domino does a lookup on the Principal field and creates an $iNetPrincipal field. The $iNetPrincipal field is serialized into the RFC822 "From" and a Sent By field is also added with the value in the iNetFrom. If there is no iNetFrom, the Global Domain Document, Configuration Document, and Person Document settings are used to build off the From field. If $iNetPrincipal is identical to iNetFrom, then no Sent By field is added.

Offline gossifu

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Re: SMTP-Adresse automatisch vom NAB ziehen
« Antwort #3 am: 06.02.07 - 10:47:54 »

sorry, wieder so spät. Danke für die Anworten, werd'ich probieren.


Immer lustig und vergnügt, bis der A.... im Sarge liegt. ;-)


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