Autor Thema: Senior Software Developer (kein LOTUS NOTES)  (Gelesen 2431 mal)

Offline Don Pasquale

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  • Don Pasquale
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Senior Software Developer (kein LOTUS NOTES)
« am: 30.11.06 - 14:11:29 »
Senior Software Developer (m/f)

Job Requirements:

■ You have a degree in information systems (or equivalent)

■ You have a minimum of 3 years’ experience as a full-time software developer in a Java environment.

■ You must have the ability to work on projects individually and guide other team members in architecture- and design questions.

■ You possess excellent knowledge in Java as well as object oriented software development and are closely familiar with UML and SQL.

■ On previous projects you have operated successfully with Tomcat/Struts, Spring and Hibernate, and bring sound knowledge of at least one IDE with you.

■ You can handle cvs/subversion and ant/ maven tools and have knowledge in  XML/XSL, SOAP, JSF, and JAXB.

You enjoy the challenge of working in a complex and  technical environment in the fields of security, scalability and high availability. Be a part of a success story. Be a part of a highly qualified  team-oriented environment that shares one vision: to make payment  happen.

Interested? Then please send your full application to the address below.

Wirecard AG
Ms Bettina Funk
Bretonischer Ring 4
85630 Grasbrunn


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