Noch ein wichtiger Hinweis zum Thema:
In der NOTES.INI muss der Eintrag
gesetzt werden, sonst funktionieren Agenten, die über "Nach Eingang neuer Mail" getriggert nur, wenn der Unterzeichnes des Agenten seine Maildatenbank auf demselben Server hat!
Disables mail-triggered agents lookup for agent-signer's credentials. Applies to Server, Workstation Usage AMgr_DisableMailLookup=0 (default)
AMgr_DisableMailLookup=1 Default AMgr_DisableMailLookup=0 Documented Lotus Notes Administrator Help Description By default, a mail-triggered agent performs a mail lookup of the user who last modified it. It only runs if the server running the agent is also the user's mail server. When users create or modify a mail-triggered agent on a server other than their own mail server, you can use this setting on the server to disable mail lookup so that the agent can run. Notes displays the message for the user "Unable to determine the execution access privileges" if the mail server cannot be reached.