Autor Thema: Ungenaue Suche im Web  (Gelesen 1478 mal)

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Ungenaue Suche im Web
« am: 02.11.06 - 17:13:04 »

ich habe eine Suchmaske für das Web gebaut. Nun möchte ich hier auch die Möglichkeit haben eine ungenaue Suche und die anderen verfügbaren Suchoptionen in dieser Maske haben.

Ist das möglich, dass man die auch irgendwie aufruft?

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Re: Ungenaue Suche im Web
« Antwort #1 am: 02.11.06 - 18:21:03 »
Designer-Hilfe, "URL commands for searching for text"

Optional arguments for SearchSite, SearchView, and SearchDomain
Indicate TRUE for fuzzy search. The default is FALSE.
Indicate 1 to "Sort by relevance," 2 to "Sort by date ascending," 3 to "Sort by date descending." The default is 1. SearchView also supports a SearchOrder value of 4 to "Keep current order," which sorts the resulting set of documents in the order in which they appear in the view.
Note  Specifying SearchOrder=4 will produce unexpected results if:
The Count=n argument is used with a value less than the number of documents found
The Start=n argument is used with a value other than 1
The Default Search Limit is less than the number of documents found
The Max Search Limit is less than the number of documents found
If you need to specify SearchOrder=4, observe these recommendations:
Never specify Count=n or Start=n
Always specify SearchMax=0
Set the Web site's Max Search Limit to a large value

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