Autor Thema: iNotes Mailschablone  (Gelesen 1710 mal)


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iNotes Mailschablone
« am: 08.09.06 - 11:23:41 »

als ersten Versuch habe ich aus der iNotes6.ntf eine neue Datei angelegt. Sehe ich mir das Teil jetzt per Browser an, sind alle Reiter doppelt. Da ich keinen Alkohol trinke, muss der Fehler wohl bei LoNo liegen.

Aber wo ??

Danke für Tipps und Hinweise !
« Letzte Änderung: 12.09.06 - 10:47:53 von klauss »

Offline eknori

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Re: iNotes Mailschablone
« Antwort #1 am: 12.09.06 - 07:15:46 »
Guckst du KnowledgeBase

This issue has only been observed in mail files inheriting from customized iNotesX.ntf templates.
If you open the hidden Haiku_TOC view, you will see the duplicate design elements that create the tabs.  The design elements cannot be deleted from the Notes Client UI.  Attempting to do so will give the error #02:41.
The design elements can, however, be deleted with LotusScript.  The following sample script will delete all the design elements and then the correct ones can be re-created by replacing the design or running the Design task.

NOTE:  The below is a sample script, provided to illustrate one way to approach this issue.  In order for this example to perform as intended, the script must be laid out exactly as indicated below.  Lotus Software Technical Support will not be able to customize this script for a customer's own configuration.

   Dim session As New NotesSession
   Dim db As NotesDatabase
   Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
   Dim view As NotesView   
   Dim note As NotesDocument
   Dim note1 As NotesDocument
   Set view = db.GetView( "(Haiku_TOC)" )
   Set note = view.GetFirstDocument
   Set note1 = view.GetNextDocument(note)
   While Not (note Is Nothing)      
      Call note.Remove(True)
      If Not (note1 Is Nothing) Then      
         Set note = note1
         Set note1 = view.GetNextDocument(note)      
      End If

After deleting all tabs, when you load Design to replace the design, you will see on the console or in the log.nsf that a single copy of each note is added back:

Adding 'iwaCalendar' to database '<user>' from template 'Domino Web Access (6)' 
Adding 'iwaContacts' to database '<user>' from template 'Domino Web Access (6)' 
Adding 'iwaMail' to database '<user>' from template 'Domino Web Access (6)' 
Adding 'iwaNotebook' to database '<user>' from template 'Domino Web Access (6)' 
Adding 'iwaToDo' to database '<user>' from template 'Domino Web Access (6)' 
Adding 'iwaWelcome' to database '<user>' from template 'Domino Web Access (6)'
Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!


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Re: iNotes Mailschablone
« Antwort #2 am: 12.09.06 - 10:47:37 »


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