Hier der Code Excel 2 Notes :
Notes 2 Excel hatte ich hier mal was gepostet
http://www.atnotes.de/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?board=Downloads;action=display;num=1014050197Sub Initialize
' ==> This agent picks the data from the excel sheet and crates a document for each row
Dim sess As New notessession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim vw As notesview
Dim Doc As notesdocument
Dim report As notesdocument
Dim dataSheet As Variant
On Error Goto errorhandle
Set db = sess.currentdatabase
sheetLoc$ = Inputbox("Enter the locaiton of Excel Sheet","Location","c:\temp\MailMerge.xls") ' ==> The Excel Sheet file path
If sheetLoc$ = "" Then
Msgbox "The Excel sheet locaiton is mandatory. Please re-run the macro again"
Exit Sub
End If
Set dataSheet = GetObject(sheetLoc$ )
This check did not work
If dataSheet = VT_NULL Then
Msgbox "Notes could not find the specified file in the locaiton. Please re-run the macro again with correct locaiton and filename"
Exit Sub
End If
' ==> Initialise progress bar. These functions are available in nnotesws.dll library
Dim hwnd As Long
hwnd = NEMProgressBegin(NPB_ONELINE)
NEMProgressSetText hwnd, "Please wait while data is processed", "Please wait"
rowCount = 2
maxCount = 1
' ==> Max number of rows, for the progress bar
While Not (dataSheet.Cells(maxCount,1).Value = "" )
maxCount = maxCount + 1
' ==> Process data from the Excel sheet. For every row, create a doc.
While Not (dataSheet.Cells(rowCount,1).Value = "" )
Set report = db.createdocument
report.Form = "Test"
' report.ComputewithForm True, False
report.Field1 = dataSheet.Cells(rowCount,1).Value
report.Field2 = dataSheet.Cells(rowCount,2).Value
report.Field3 = dataSheet.Cells(rowCount,3).Value
report.Field4 = dataSheet.Cells(rowCount,4).Value
report.Field5 = dataSheet.Cells(rowCount,5).Value
report.Field6 = dataSheet.Cells(rowCount,6).Value
report.Field7 = dataSheet.Cells(rowCount,7).Value
report.Field8 = dataSheet.Cells(rowCount,8).Value
report.Field9 = dataSheet.Cells(rowCount,9).Value
report.Field10 = dataSheet.Cells(rowCount,10).Value
report.Save True, False
NEMProgressSetBarPos hwnd, Clng(Int(rowCount*100/maxCount))
rowCount = rowCount + 1
' End Progress Bar
NEMProgressEnd hwnd
Exit Sub
NEMProgressEnd hwnd
End Sub