Könntest du deine These bitte näher belegen? Du siehst auf deinem Linux doch auch nur eine Server-Thread, oder?
> Der Server Prozess ist eben gerade Multithreaded
"Multithreaded" heisst "a single thread per session" im Betriebssystem.
Wenn ich den nachfolgenden Artikel richtig lese, werden unter Domino >4 interne Worker-Threads genutzt, welche man nicht als Multithread bezeichnet. Nebenbei wird in dem Artikel auch die Erklärung für das Verhalten genannt.
Previous releases (R 4.x and earlier) of the Domino server supported a single thread per session model. This means for every user session established, a dedicated set of resources were allocated at the Domino application and supporting operating system level. As Domino supports more users in the form of session connections, the amount of resources tied up to support those additional users also increases, which in turn requires additional internal threads.
These worker threads are defined to service multiple client sessions via a limited number of threads that execute.
The worker thread model can be likened to the cashiers in a grocery store. There are far fewer cashiers than shoppers who need to use them. Shoppers queue up, as needed, to be serviced by a cashier. Sometimes all cashiers are busy; sometimes only a few are servicing customers. Like the number of worker threads, the number of cashiers is constant, regardless of workload. Depending on the number of customers and available cashier stations, more cashiers can be added to service increasing numbers of customers.