warum benutzt du nicht die Admin Hilfe dort findest du z.B. solche Leitfäden:
(hier in Englisch)
You can specify that you want to run the HTTP task on a Domino server. The Domino server then acts as a Web server so that browser clients can access databases on the server.
1. Set up the Domino server.
Make sure you understand TCP/IP concepts, including DNS host names and IP addressing.
Set up a Domino server.
Set up security for the server.
2. Decide on an Internet connection strategy.
To allow users to connect to the server over the Internet, connect the server to an Internet Server Provider (ISP) and register the server's domain name and IP address on the ISP's DNS server. For more information, contact the ISP.
To allow users to connect to the server internally, without connecting to the Internet, register the server's domain name and IP address on the DNS server at your organization.
3. Start the Domino server.
4. From the Domino Administrator, click Files, open the Server document and enable "Loads configuration information from the Internet Sites view."
5. Create at least one Web site.
6. Decide on an HTTP port strategy. You can enable ports for TCP/IP, SSL, or for both. In the Server document, click Ports - Internet Ports - Web, and enable one or both: "TCP/IP port status" and "SSL port status."
7. (Optional) Enable the Domino Web server log.
8. Start the HTTP task.
To check the server setup, start your browser and enter the DNS name or IP address for the server.
In meinem Posting habe ich geschrieben:
Serverdokument - Anschlüsse - Internet Anschlüsse
D.H. gehe in das Serverdokument, dort auf den Reiter Anschlüsse, dort auf den Reiter Internet Anschlüsse
und da findest du ob die Anschlüsse http, smtp, pop3 etc. aktiviert sind oder nicht.
Ein paar Reiter später findest du Konfigurationsparameter für den Domino Server und seine HTTP Task.