Also hab das Ganze mal angeschaut und durchgespielt. Auch den Code von hat es nicht viel gebracht. Es repliziert zwar mit dem angebenen Server aber in den Settings stellt es nichts um. Immer noch auf "try last successful". Über die REPL_OPTION_xxx kann man einige Flags ansteuern. Nicht aber den Bevorzugten Server

REPL_OPTION_RCV_NOTES - Receive notes from server (pull).
REPL_OPTION_SEND_NOTES - Send notes to server (push).
REPL_OPTION_ALL_DBS - Replicate all database (NSF) files, as well as files named in the file list argument.
REPL_OPTION_CLOSE_SESS - Close sessions when done.
REPL_OPTION_ALL_NTFS - Replicate all template (NTF) files, as well as files named in the file list argument.
REPL_OPTION_PRI_LOW - Replicate low, medium, and high priority database.
REPL_OPTION_PRI_MED - Replicate medium and high priority databases only.
REPL_OPTION_PRI_HI - Replicate high priority databases only.
REPL_OPTION_PRIVATE - (For use with ReplicateWithServerExt only) Replicate private documents even if not selected by default.
REPL_OPTION_ALL_FILES - Replicate all database (NSF) and all template (NTF) files.
REPL_OPTION_ABSTRACT_RTF - (For use with ReplicateWithServerExt only) Abstract/truncate docs to receive summary and 40KB of rich text only.
REPL_OPTION_ABSTRACT_SMRY - (For use with ReplicateWithServerExt only) Abstract/truncate docs to summary only data.