Autor Thema: Unterschied Quickplace <> Teamroom  (Gelesen 2630 mal)

Offline benjaminadler

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Unterschied Quickplace <> Teamroom
« am: 12.05.06 - 15:11:52 »
Hallo alle zusammen,

wir haben bei uns in der Firma sowohl Teamroom als auch Quickplace im Einsatz.
Doch wo liegt der funktionale Unterschied zwischen diesen beiden Produkten? Was kann der User mit dem einen Produkt machen, was er mit dem anderen nicht kann?

Vielen Dank und viele Grüsse

Offline benjaminadler

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Re: Unterschied Quickplace <> Teamroom
« Antwort #1 am: 12.05.06 - 16:22:19 »
hab selbst die nötigen infos zusammenbekommen:

"The best way I can explain QuickPlace is it's TeamRoom, Discussion Databases and Doc Libruary all in one... " (Quelle:
Stand alone Teamware solution. Works with Domino, but doesn’t require Domino to function   Solution vs. Application   A Domino Application (ships with Domino R5 as a Design template)
Flexible enough to allow end user to manage the workspace, very limited IT involvement   Degree of Freedom and Control   Needs moderate IT involvement for deploying the TeamRoom applications, security management and application maintenance
Ad hoc, free form, unstructured format   Application Format   Streamlined, structured, Notes based format
All access is browser based   Configuration   Requires Notes client for configuration and setup
All design elements are handled by QuickPlace server. Design elements are exposed via QuickPLace SDK (QDK) posted on Can use Designer or Notes Client or HTML editor to customize   Design Customization   Design changes can be done to the application – Requires Notes Designer
Users can access the application by browser only   End user access   Users can access the application by Notes Clients or Browsers
Positioned as both internal and external solution (extranet and intranet)   Intranet/Extranet   More suited for internal solution (intranet)
Decentralized administrative functionality   Security and System Administration   Requires more centralized administrative functionality
Access can be controlled by the business/end user via browser   ACL Management   ACL maintenance needs to be done via Notes Client - Admin Team/Help Desk

- QuickPlace managers ("owners" - not IT staff) can easily add other members, which can, but don't have to be in the Domino or LDAP directory. Thus users can be internal or external to an organization.
- QuickPlace owners can easily create groups without needing author access to the Domino directory.
- Authors of a new or changed page ("document") have the option to:
- Notify individuals or groups about the new information ("push" versus "pull")
- Allow other individuals or groups to modify the page.
- Restrict other individuals or groups form seing the page
- Display the content of the page as a calendar entry
- QuickPlaces or Inner Rooms can also have a Calendar and/or To-Do-list
- To-Do-list allow tracking of due dates and assign responsibilities
- The QuickPlace manager is much more flexible in creating a structure of the QuickPlace with Folders and Rooms - neither needing HTML nor Domino designer skills
- Rooms allow to restrict certain users from seeing or having editor access of certian parts of the QP.
- All users with author access can create Web pages without knowing HTML
- All users can get weekly or even daily eMail describing what has changed. This capability can be enabled or disabled on a per user base.

Both Domino and QuickPlace applications can be accessed from any web browser, but only the Domino ones can be accessed from a Notes client. Therein lies the major difference; only Domino applications provide the full security advantages you may need with sensitive data.


Offline benjaminadler

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Re: Unterschied Quickplace <> Teamroom
« Antwort #2 am: 15.05.06 - 10:11:58 »
ok - momentan sieht es so aus, als ob Quickplace das richtige Produkt für uns sei.
Eine Frage ist jedoch noch offen:
Wie funktioniert das Zusammenspiel mit Lotus Notes (persönlicher Kalender, ToDo, e-Mail)? Mich interessiert z.B., ob ein ToDo, das ich im Quickplace erzeuge und einer Person zuordne, bei dieser Person im persönlichen e-Mail bzw. ToDo Liste ankommt (und damit auch im persönlichen Kalender erscheint).
Könnt ihr mir hier weiterhelfen?

Vielen Dank!

Offline hallo.dirk

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Re: Unterschied Quickplace <> Teamroom
« Antwort #3 am: 15.05.06 - 21:40:58 »
Jup, das geht bzw ist pro Place konfigurierbar.

Aber die Sache geht nur one way QP --> Notes !

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