Hier mal was für die Admins:
Zufallspasswörter mit n Stellen erzeugen
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Msgbox createRandomPW(19)
End Sub
Function CreateRandomPw(iNumChars As Integer) As String
Dim x As Integer
Dim newPw As String
Dim pwChar As String
pwChar = ""
newPw = ""
For x = 1 To iNumChars
pwChar = GetAChar()
newPw = newPw & pwChar
CreateRandomPw = newPw
End Function
Function GetAChar As String
Dim num As Single
Dim done As Variant
done = False
Do Until Done
num = Rnd 'Generate a number between 0 and 1
num = num * (10 ^2) 'Make the number 2 digits
If (Round(num, 0) >=10 And Round(num, 0) <= 12) Then 'If the number is between 10 and 12 then
'make it three digits. We want to capture the characters between 100 and 122
num = num * 10 'Make the number three digits
End If
num = Round(num, 0) 'Make the number a whole number
If (num >= 65 And num <=90) Or (num >= 97 And num <= 122) Then 'Ensure that it is a alpha character
GetAChar = Chr$(num) '
done = True
End If
End Function