Domino 9 und frühere Versionen > ND6: Administration & Userprobleme

R6 RC unter Linux

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Hallo Forum,

zu dem Thema noch ein Auszug aus den Release Notes des RC1 :

The new Domino Java Setup program (see related release note) provides uniform functionality and appearance to the server configuration across all Domino Server platforms.  It will also provide enhanced functionality for performing server setup remotely, from any other system.

The Domino Remote Setup program is a subset of files that enable a user to perform server setup on a system over a network.  This program allows users to bring up the standard Setup interface on any system that supports the Domino Server and configure a server remotely.

For the release of Lotus Domino 6, the Remote Setup program will be installed as a separate application.  For the time being, however, it is most easily available along with the regular Domino Server installation.  In order to make use of the program, follow these steps:

Using the Domino Remote Setup program in Release 6:

1) Install the server that will be setup remotely.

2) In the newly installed server, launch the server application from the command line with the "-listen" parameter.  For example, on windows, you might run "\Lotus\Domino\nserver.exe -listen".  On Unix, the command (run from the data directory) might look like "/opt/lotus/bin/server -listen".

3) On the machine that will be used to remotely setup the server that is now "listening", install another copy of the Domino Server.  This copy will not need to be setup.  It is needed simply to provide the Java Runtime Environment and the required files for running the Remote Domino Setup program.

4) Bring up a command-line interface (either a Unix terminal or a Windows Command Prompt), and change directories to the Program Directory.  On Windows this will be the 'Domino' directory (default is C:\Lotus\Domino), and on Unix this will be the platform specific program directory (such as /opt/lotus/notes/latest/ibmpow on AIX systems).

4.1) On Unix systems, remember to run "xhost +" as the user logged in to the shell.  See the "Unlocking Unix system displays for running Domino Java Setup" release note.

5) From the command-line, run the command "serversetup -remote".  This will launch the Domino Java Setup program on your remote system.

6) The "Connect to Remote Domino Server" window will appear.  This window prompts the user for the Remote Host Address of the server to be setup.  The 'Listener" program defaults to using port 8585, so the remote connection defaults to this port as well.  Users can customize which port will be used for this TCPIP connection.  Users can also send a 'ping' command over the network to verify the connection to the listening server by using the Ping button on this window.

7) Provide the host name and port number of the listening machine, and hit OK.  The Domino Java Setup program will then proceed normally, connected to the remote listening system.

8) After completing setup, the program will prompt the user to shutdown the Listener process on the remote system.  This can be done at this time, or it can be done by issuing a setup -q [port] command directly on the system.

The remotely configured server is now ready to be launched.

Meff ;)


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