Autor Thema: IBM Fixup - Notes 6.5.5 Delegation Problem  (Gelesen 3004 mal)

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IBM Fixup - Notes 6.5.5 Delegation Problem
« am: 28.03.06 - 08:03:47 »
Hallo zusammen!

Auf Grund eines Artikels im SearchDomino Techtarget haben wir einen Call bei IBM eröffnet um das Delagation roblem bei Notes 6.5.5 zu behandeln.
Es gibt nun ein Fixup um dieses zu lösen.

Wer interesse daran hat kann es unter:

Natürlich übernehme ich keine Support Leistungen und Garantien für diesen Patch. Nutzung auf eigene Gefahr und in eigener Verantwortung.

Wir haben es auch noch nicht getestet.
Viel Erfolg!

Thomas Wald

Projektmanagement & Consulting

Hier noch mal die Problem Beschreibung


Calendar delegation problem with Lotus Notes client 6.5.5 upgrade
Chuck Connell
In my last newsletter, I urged an upgrade to Notes/Domino 6.5.5 and 7.0.1 for security reasons.

Thanks to one of the readers on the mailing list, I have become aware of a feature problem in the Lotus Notes client software 6.5.5. If this feature is important to you, you may want to keep your Notes client software at 6.5.4 and wait for a later release.

The problem is that calendar delegation does not work properly after upgrading a Lotus Notes workstation to 6.5.5. The delegatee cannot create repeating events, reschedule meetings, or edit a meeting in the delegater's calendar. This is a serious -- possibly show-stopper -- issue for many Lotus Notes organizations, since calendar delegation is so widely used.

Lotus has confirmed the existence of this problem and slated a fix for 6.5.6, which is scheduled for released in January 2007.

Note that this problem is related to the Notes 6.5.5 client software. The problem does not appear to be in the 6.5.5 Domino server or Web browser access to a 6.5.5 server. Also, no one has reported the same issue with Notes 7.0.1.


Lotus Software Knowledge Base

Title:         Notes 6.5.5 calendar-only delegates cannot edit the repeat instance
information for calendar entries created in other users' calendar database
Product:  Lotus Notes  >  Lotus Notes  >  Version 6.5.5
Platform: Windows 2000
Date:        21/02/2006
Doc Number:    1231036

Notes 6.5.5 calendar-only delegates cannot edit the repeat instance information for calendar entries created in other users' calendar database.


Calendar-only delegate Notes 6.5.5 users can not edit the repeat instance information for repeating meetings or repeating appointments created in other users' calendar database. These Notes users are set up to access [only] calendar and To Do documents in the other users' calendar database, with the ability to read, create, edit, & delete any calendar entry or To Do document. When the calendar-only delegates click on the Repeats checkbox in a new meeting or appointment entry in the other users' calendar database, the Repeats dialog box shows up, but is greyed-out and can not be edited.

Steps to reproduce issue for Notes/Domino 6.5.5 users:

1. Open inotes6.ntf (655) User1 mailfile/calendar in Notes 6.5.5 using User1 or Domino Administrator's Notes ID, select Tools -> Preferences -> Access & Delegation -> Access to Your Mail & Calendar tab, and select Add Person or Group button.
2.  In the resulting Add People/Groups dialog box, enter or select the calendar-only delegate's user name (say, User2) for item #1 (which user(s) get access), select "Only Calendar and To Do" for item #2 (type of access), select "Read, create, edit, and delete any Calendar Entry or To Do" for item #3 (access level), and then press the OK button.
3. Open inotes6.ntf (655) User1 calendar database in Notes 6.5.5 using User2's Notes ID (ie, open the database as the calendar-only delegate). Create a new calendar entry in User1's calendar, and then select the Repeats checkbox. The resulting Repeat Options dialog box is greyed-out for the calendar-only delegate. If the calendar delegate is given mail, calendar and To Do access in the other user's database, with the read, create, edit, & delete rights, then the calendar delegate Notes user does not have this issue.

I have tested this issue, with the following results:

I tested this issue in Notes/Domino 6.5.5 for inotes6 (655) user mailfiles. I am able to reproduce this issue: the meeting -> repeats -> Repeat Options screen is completely grayed-out for the calendar-only delegate.  Afterwards, I tested this issue in Notes/Domino 6.5.5 for inotes6 (654) user mailfiles, and am able to reproduce this issue for this client/server/database setup, as well.

Upon further testing, I found that this issue does not occur for inotes6 (654) or inotes6 (655) user mailfiles located on the Domino 6.5.5 server if the Notes 6.5.4 client is used to access these databases (instead of using the Notes 6.5.5 client).

possible workarounds include:
1. Give the Notes 6.5.5 calendar delegate user mail, calendar and To Do access in the other user's mail/calendar database, with the read, create, edit, & delete rights.
2. Ask the Notes/Domino 6.5.5 calendar-only delegates to create these repeating calendar entries either via a Notes 6.5.4 client or via a web browser that is accessing the other user's calendar database from Domino Web Access (DWA) 6.5.5.

This document is based on the following Software Problem Report (SPR):

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Thomas Wald

IT-ProCon Service UG
IT Projektmanagement & Consulting

Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Str. 28
61476 Kronberg

Mob. 0179/6757980


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Re: IBM Fixup - Notes 6.5.5 Delegation Problem
« Antwort #1 am: 28.03.06 - 08:48:21 »
Hallo Waldt,

im Auszug der Knowledge Base ist von Mail-Files mit inotes6 (655) die Rede. Besteht dieses Problem auch bei Mail-Files mit mail6 (655)?

1 Domino-Cluster 8.5.1 FP5 - Windows32 (2 Server)
3 Domino-Server 8.5.1 FP5 - Windows32
1 BlackBerry-Enterprise-Server (Domino-Server 8.5.1 FP5 - Windows32)

ca. 320 Clients 6.5.5, 8.0.2, 8.5.1 - Windows32 (Citrix, lokal)

iQSuite/GROUP Tools 13 (Wachdog, Wall, Clerk, Crypt, Trailer)
TSM mit TDP for Mail

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Re: IBM Fixup - Notes 6.5.5 Delegation Problem
« Antwort #2 am: 28.03.06 - 10:02:03 »

Ich habe leider noch nicht alles testen können, da wir mitten in einer Novell --> ADS und Win2000--> WinXP Migration stecken.
Zur Zeit haben wir Domino 6.5.4 FP2 auf Windows 2003 Server, 6.5.5 Notes Clients,
Standard mail6.ntf und Testweise iNotes6.ntf. Bei beiden haben wir den Fehler.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Thomas Wald

IT-ProCon Service UG
IT Projektmanagement & Consulting

Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Str. 28
61476 Kronberg

Mob. 0179/6757980



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