Autor Thema: Lange URLs auf IBM Technote kürzen!  (Gelesen 2841 mal)

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Lange URLs auf IBM Technote kürzen!
« am: 12.12.07 - 12:07:01 »
Carl Tyler hat eine Seite zur Verfügung gestellt, um sehr lange Links von IBM Technotes zu kürzen.

I don't about you, but I have this issue all the time.  People send me questions and I typically find the answer hidden away in a technote on the IBM site, which results in me sending them a URL that looks something like the following, which then wraps and breaks in their email client so it doesn't work.

Not exactly the shortest URL, but I have learnt over time that this can be cut down to something like this:

I have become sick of manually trimming these URLs so I thought it would be a good idea for a web page to do it for me.

So here you are:

Just paste in the long support URL into the first field and then copy the resulting short URL from the second field.

Obviously the real solution is for IBM to use shorter URLs or at least have a button on the technote page that says something like "Copy short URL to clipboard"

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