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This agent will copy the Replica ID from one database/template and paste it over the Replica ID on another database/template making the two replica copies of each other.
Declare Function W32_NSFDbOpen Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "NSFDbOpen" _
(Byval dbname As String, dbHandle As Long ) As Integer
Declare Function W32_NSFDbClose Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "NSFDbClose" _
(Byval dbHandle As Long ) As Integer
Declare Function W32_NSFDBCREATE Lib "NNOTES.DLL" Alias "NSFDbCreate" _
(Byval dbname As String, Byval dbClass As Variant, Byval forceIt As Single) As Integer
Declare Function W32_NSFDBREPLICAINFOSET Lib "NNOTES.DLL" Alias "NSFDbReplicaInfoSet" _
(Byval dbHandle As Long, replInfoStruct As Long) As Integer
Declare Function W32_NSFDBREPLICAINFOGET Lib "NNOTES.DLL" Alias "NSFDbReplicaInfoGet" _
(Byval dbHandle As Long, replInfoStruct As Long) As Integer
Sub Initialize
Dim SourceServer As String
Dim SourceDatabase As String
Dim DestinationServer As String
Dim DestinationDatabase As String
Dim db As NotesDatabase
SourceServer = Inputbox$ ("Enter the server name that the database with the good replica ID resides on." _
,"Switch Replica ID Agent -- Source Server Name" ,"PHIN02/Hub/Towers Perrin")
SourceDatabase = Inputbox$ ("Enter the path\name of the database with the good replica ID." _
,"Switch Replica ID Agent -- Source Database" ,"source\testsample.nsf")
DestinationServer = Inputbox$ ("Enter the server name of the database with the replica ID " _
& "that you would like to change." ,"Switch Replica ID Agent -- Destination Server Name" _
,"PHIN02/Hub/Towers Perrin")
DestinationDatabase = Inputbox$ ("Enter the path\name of the database with the replica ID that you would " _
& "like to change." ,"Switch Replica ID Agent -- Destination Database" ,"destination\testsample.nsf")
If DestinationServer = "Local" Then
DestinationServer = ""
End If
If SourceServer = "Local" Then
SourceServer = ""
End If
Set db = New NotesDatabase("","")
Call db.Open(DestinationServer,DestinationDatabase)
If Not (db.Isopen) Then
Msgbox "Switch Replica ID Agent could not open " & DestinationServer & "!!" & DestinationDatabase _
, 16,"Error:"
Exit Sub
Call db.close
End If
Set db = New NotesDatabase ("","")
Call db.Open(SourceServer,SourceDatabase)
If Not (db.Isopen) Then
Msgbox "Switch Replica ID Agent could not open " & sourceserver & "!!" & sourcedatabase _
, 16,"Error:"
Exit Sub
End If
Call db.close
Call SwitchReplID(SourceServer,SourceDatabase,DestinationServer,DestinationDatabase)
Function SwitchReplID(S_Server As String, S_Db As String, D_Server As String, D_Db As String) As Long
Dim S_DbString As String
Dim D_DbString As String
Dim dbhandle As Long
Dim retNoteID As Long
Dim noteClass As Long
Dim replInfo(5) As Long
Dim replID1 As Long
Dim replID2 As Long
Select Case Ucase$(S_Server)
Case "LOCAL"
S_DbString = S_Db
Case "LOKAL"
S_DbString = S_Db
Case ""
S_DbString = S_Db
Case Else
S_DbString = S_Server + "!!" + S_Db
End Select
Select Case Ucase$(D_Server)
Case "LOCAL"
D_DbString = D_Db
Case "LOKAL"
D_DbString = D_Db
Case ""
D_DbString = D_Db
Case Else
D_DbString = D_Server + "!!" + D_Db
End Select
'====================================Get the replica info struct from Source
REM "W32"
rc = W32_NSFDBOPEN(S_DbString, dbhandle&)
rc = W32_NSFDBREPLICAINFOGET(dbhandle&, replInfo(0))
replID1 = replInfo(0)
replID2 = replInfo(1)
rc = W32_NSFDBCLOSE(dbhandle&)
'=====================================Replace Replica ID on
rc = W32_NSFDBOPEN(D_DbString, dbhandle&)
rc = W32_NSFDBREPLICAINFOGET(dbhandle&, replInfo(0))
replInfo(0) = replID1
replInfo(1) = replID2
rc = W32_NSFDBREPLICAINFOSET(dbhandle&, replInfo(0))
rc = W32_NSFDBCLOSE(dbhandle&)