Hi AfH,
und dann habe ich noch dieses gefunden:
Group Name in "List of Names" Field of Resource Doc Won't Update When Group in Dom Directory Updated
Number: 181219
In the Domino R5 Resource Reservations Database you create a Resource and limit use of that resource/room by setting the option 'Only Select List of People Can Book Resource' on the Owner Options tab. When you place a Group name from the Domino R5 Directory in the 'List of Names' field which appears, however, the Group name expands when you save the Resource document.
The issue with a Group name being added to the 'List of Names' field on the Owner Options tab is not only that it expands and displays all of the member names one by one, but when you update the Group document in the Domino Directory with a new member (or remove a member), the Resource document does not see the addition to the Group name. The new name does not display in the 'List of Names' field; therefore, this new person will not be able to approve the room/resource reservation. You have to manually update the 'List of Names' field.
This issue has been reported to Lotus Software Quality Engineering. There are currently no plans to address this issue in Notes/Domino R5; however, a fix is being investigated for the next major Notes/Domino release.
Supporting Information
Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Create a Resource Type= Room.
2. Switch to the Owner Options tab, and select the 'Only Select List of People Can Book Resource' radio button.
3. In the 'List of Names' field add a Group from the Domino R5 Directory.
4. Save the new Resource document. Note the group name expands to show the current group name members individually.
5. Add a new member to the group document in the Domino R5 Directory.
6. Go back into the Resource document and note that the new member is not listed in the 'List of Names' field of the Owner Options tab.

Is There a Limitation on the Size of a Group Document?
Number: 183512
Is there a limitation on the size of a Group document?
The "Administering the Domino System" Volume 1, page 109 states the following:
To create a group, you create a Group document in the Domino Directory. You can add registered users to the group as you create the Group document and you can add new users to a group as you register them. There is no limit to the number of names that you can add to a group. However, the total number of characters used for names in the group cannot exceed 15KB. To keep groups manageable, split a large list of users into two or more groups.
Supporting Information
The error which appears when this limit is exceeded is:
"Field 'Members' contains too many characters (10644 over 15360 maximum). Field will be saved but will not be displayed in views."
Please note, however, that the limit is in bytes, not in characters.