Autor Thema: Ytria - new tool - kostenfrei ohne registrierung kostenfrei nur noch bis endeMAi  (Gelesen 3785 mal)

Offline Andre Ytria

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update: 04/05 the Das Tool ist kostenlos - bis ende Mai - keine registrierung notwendig - feedback willkommen - gruss jan (endlich wieder mit deutssprachiger verstärkung) :)


we are very close to a new Ytria tool called ViewEZ - but we need some Help in Beta testing the product.

If you do have some time and you are interested to play with the tool before it is available please let us know. support"at"

Please mail us if you LOVE Beta testing and if you are prepared to send us some BUG-Reports / enhancement requests. we will then let you beta test the tool.

For all the others... The tool will be available soon for free for the duration of 1 month before we will start charging for it.... Release date: Hmm very very soon.

thanks and kind regards

PS: what does the tool do?

Essential Time-Saving Features of viewEZ

    * Easily manage columns (i.e. properties and formulas) using a fast, intuitive interface
    * Modify many view properties easily
    * See all columns in a single table
    * Analyze similar column formulas and then group them together (i.e. shared column)

Update View Properties Quickly
ViewEZ allows you to make comprehensive changes to view properties all at the same time; get the most out of your Lotus Notes and Domino development time.

See and Manage All Your View Columns
Update, change and copy column properties or formulas on a large scale. You can drag/drop columns, automatically get a the status of your column properties and formulas (no need to check each view). Using an intuitive visual interface, viewEZ helps you organize and plan out columns effectively through a graphical representation.

Permanently Speed Up Notes Application Development
ViewEZ's intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) makes it easy to pick up and use almost instantly. Speed up your Lotus Notes/Domino development with viewEZ; it's a time-saving tool in Notes development.

« Letzte Änderung: 26.05.06 - 19:54:46 von YTRIA »

Offline eknori

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Re: Ytria - new tool arriving - looking for Beta testers
« Antwort #1 am: 07.04.06 - 10:12:00 »
Analyze similar column formulas and then group them together (i.e. shared column)

 8) Is it available in R6 or only if R7 is installed ??
Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!

Offline Andre Ytria

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Re: Ytria - new tool arriving - looking for Beta testers
« Antwort #2 am: 07.04.06 - 20:32:32 »
The Shared Columns in R7 are in fact regular views with only 1 column (the shared column itself) and with a special $Flags value ("^").

And in R7, when you edit a Shared Column, it will automaticaly refresh the views using this Shared Column, because all the info regarding the Shared Column MUST be in the target views, so these views can use this information and build their indexes.

This means that any shared column created in R7 will appear in R4 or R5 as a regular view (with a "nice" selection formula equal to SELECT @All !).
It seems that they "prepared" the field with the R6, since some releases of R6 are intelligent enough to know that a Shared Column is not a View (I know that 6.5.4 filters it, but I didn't check in the first releases of R6, though).

In conclusion, all this means:
viewEZ will work in all version of Notes, even in R4 (!).
With viewEZ, you will be able to create shared columns, use them, etc., with any the Notes release you are using.
Even more: the only way to edit a Shared Column prior to R7 (and thus update the target views) will be through viewEZ...
And you do not need to have R7 installed to use shared columns with viewEZ.

Offline eknori

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Re: Ytria - new tool arriving - looking for Beta testers
« Antwort #3 am: 07.04.06 - 23:00:36 »
thx for clearyfying an open question.
I'm using Ytria "stuff" on a regular basis now.

And the forum's community will appreciate any valuable tip and "how to" from your side.

You are welcome as a forum member; pls. keep in mind, we are and will always be a non-profit community. So don't let ya ads become to "agressive". Are ya with me ? Greatings to Canada  :D

Egal wie tief man die Messlatte für den menschlichen Verstand auch ansetzt: jeden Tag kommt jemand und marschiert erhobenen Hauptes drunter her!

Offline userbrazil

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Re: Ytria - new tool - kostenfrei ohne registrierung
« Antwort #4 am: 04.05.06 - 17:51:43 »
Wow, ich habe das neue tool schon geholt und angesehen, mich aber damit nocht nicht intensiv bschaeftigt lohnt sich auf jeden fall.

danke an ytria, dass es kostenlos ist!

sonnige gruesse aus brasilien, 25 C im schatten, bericht folgt.



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