Autor Thema: Notes.INI und Instant Messaging - Aus  (Gelesen 7265 mal)

Offline MHoenow

  • Frischling
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Notes.INI und Instant Messaging - Aus
« am: 19.01.06 - 17:12:16 »

ich habe ein kleines Verständnis Problem mit folgender Hilfestellung der Lotus Notes Hilfe:

Der Name des IBM Lotus Instant-Messaging-Servers ist erforderlich, es sei denn, die NOTES.INI-Variable "IM_NO_SETUP=" ist auf 1 gesetzt. Um diese NOTES.INI-Variable verwenden zu können, müssen Sie InstallShield Tuner installieren, das sich auf der Notes/Domino CD befindet.
   Wenn diese Variable auf 1 gesetzt ist, wird das Dialogfeld zur Instant-Messaging-Konfiguration während der Konfiguration eines neuen Clients oder während einer Client-Aktualisierung nicht angezeigt und alle IM-Variablen in einer scriptbasierten Client-Konfiguration werden ignoriert. Wenn der Benutzer IM konfigurieren möchte, kann er die NOTES.INI-Variable aus der NOTES.INI-Datei entfernen oder sie auf 0 setzen (IM_NO_SETUP=0).

Mein Ziel ist es genau, die Benutzerabfrage über die InstantMessenger - Funktion zu deaktivieren. Interessant für mich ist, welche Werte ich mit dem InstallShieldTuner zu manipulieren oder einzustellen habe?
Hat jemand zufällig nen Plan?

Vielen Dank!


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Re: Notes.INI und Instant Messaging - Aus
« Antwort #1 am: 19.01.06 - 21:26:00 »
How to disable Notes Instant Messaging during the install or upgrade of the Notes Client 
Lotus Notes  >  Lotus Notes  >   7.0, 6.5.4, 6.5.3, 6.5.2, 6.5.1
Doc Number:
Published:  04.11.2005


How can you disable the Notes 6.5.x Client Instant Messaging feature during the installation or upgrade of the Notes Client?

To disable the Sametime connect for users modify the Notes.ini so that it includes:


If the ini parameter "IM_NO_SETUP=1" is used, the IM configuration dialog box will NOT display during new client setup (or client upgrade).

In addition, if "IM_NO_SETUP=1", any IM variables in a scriptable client setup will be ignored.

If the user wants to config IM, they can leave the Notes.ini variable out of their Notes.ini file or set it to 0 (that is, "IM_NO_SETUP=0").

Also, the parameter IM_DISABLED=1 can be used to switch off Notes IM.

-  If the parameter does not exist or is set to 0, then IM is enabled.
-  If it is set to anything other than 0, IM is disabled (for example, IM_DISABLED=1).

"Disabled" means Notes will behave as if no Sametime server is set in the Sametime Server field of the Location document.

Please note:  The parameters above were not introduced until Notes 6.5.1 Client (and above).  They did not exist in release 6.5.

To add the parameters to the .MST:

1.  Create a new .MST file or open an existing one you are using.  (Note that  .MST is the extension of a file that is created using the InstallShield Tuner to modify an MSI that installs the Notes Client.)

2.  In the first pane on the left, select "IniFiles" under the "(3)Target System Configuration" section.

3.  In the middle pane, under the Destination Computer folders section, expand "Destination Computer".  Right-click, Show Folder and select/expand ProgramFilesFolder > Lotus > Notes > Data, and then select the  VDIR_INI folder.
4.  Right-click the VDIR_INI folder and select "New ini".  Name it "Notes.ini".
5.  Expand and rename "NewSection1" to "Notes".

6.  Change the value as seen in screen shot below. Right-click IM_NO_SETUP, click Add and add  IM_DISABLED with value of  1.


  • Gast
Re: Notes.INI und Instant Messaging - Aus
« Antwort #2 am: 19.01.06 - 21:27:01 »
   Is it Possible to Disable Notes Instant Messaging via Scriptable (Silent) Install?

Lotus Notes  >  Lotus Notes  >   6.5
Doc Number:
   Published:  13.09.2004
   Is it possible when creating a scriptable installation for users to disable Notes instant messaging?  It appears that the script requires that an instant messaging server be specified; otherwise, the user is prompted to enter the server name during the actual install process.
In Notes 6.5, there is no straight-forward way  to script an installation without an instant messaging server defined.  This issue was reported to Lotus software Quality Engineering and has been addressed in Notes 6.5.1 in the form of a Notes.ini parameter. 

Excerpt from the Notes 6.5.1 Fix List: 

SPR# RMAA5S3SLB - With this fix it is possible to make the Instant Messaging server name optional for a scriptable install. A new Notes.ini variable allows users to bypass the IM Configuration. If the ini parameter "IM_NO_SETUP=1" is used, the IM configuration dialog box will NOT display during new client setup (or client upgrade). In addition, if "IM_NO_SETUP=1", any IM variables in a scriptable client setup will be ignored. If the user wants to config IM, they can leave the Notes.ini variable out of their Notes.ini file or set it to 0 (IM_NO_SETUP=0).

Additional Information:

To make use of the Notes.ini variable in a silent install, you would use the InstallShield Tuner (which is included on the Notes/Domino 6 CD) and define the IM_NO_SETUP=1 notes.ini parameter within the transform file you create using the InstallShield Tuner.

A particularly helpful resource for creating transform files with the InstallShield tuner is the Redpaper titled, Distributing Notes Clients Automatically.
See Chapter 1, Customizing client installations with transform files.
URL link to Redpaper:

Workaround for Notes 6.5:

In Notes 6.5, there is a workaround that can be implemented to prevent users from being prompted to enter information related to an Instant Messaging (Sametime) server either during install or during the initial launch of the Notes 6.5 client.  This workaround applies to both a new install of Notes 6.5 and an upgrade.  This workaround does not disable the Instant Messaging compoents within the client UI, but it can prevent users from potential confusion during the installation process.

Important:  The workaround requires familiarity with installing the Notes client via a scriptable setup and desktop policies.  Familiarity with transform files is also helpful.   If you need general information about scriptable setups, refer to the Domino 6.5 Administration Help database and the technote titled "How to Set Up a Notes Client without User Intervention Using a Scriptable Setup" (#1112835).

At a high level, there are two parts to the workaround:

A scriptable setup that "preconfigures" the Notes 6.5 client during installation with a "dummy" entry for the Sametime server name.  This dummy entry prevents the install from displaying prompts for Sametime information to the user.
A Desktop policy that removes the dummy entry for the Sametime server.  Once the Notes 6.5 client is installed, the Instant Messaging server field in the Location document should either be blank or contain a valid server name.  This part of the workaround is optional, but it is recommended to reduce the chance that the user is prompted at a later time for the Instant Messaging server information.

First, create a setup.txt file that contains the following parameters and values:



If the IM.Server parameter has no value; users will be prompted to enter a server name during the Install.  Effectively, Notes 6.5 requires that this value be specified (or that the user cancels manually out of the prompt during install).  Despite this, administrators can specify a dummy value in this field to surpress prompts for this information during the actual install.

The IM.Connectwhen=2 setting configures the Notes 6.5 client to attempt a login to a Sametime server only if the user manually chooses to login.  By default, the Notes 6.5 client is configured to attempt to log in to Sametime server when the user logs into Notes. 

The setup.txt can be placed either on a shared network resource or distributed to individual workstations.  This setup file will then need to be referenced by the notes.ini by the addition of a line such as:

As a further protection against a user clicking on the Instant Messaging buttons in the Notes 6.5 client, Administrators should implement a Desktop Policy that sets the "IBM Lotus Instant Messaging Server" field (item name "SametimeServer") to empty.  This step overwrites the previously provided dummy value established during the installation/upgrade and setup so that Notes will not attempt at any point in the future to connect to the Instant Messaging server.

To ease distribution of this additional parameter to the notes.ini the "IS Tuner for Lotus Notes" application can be used to created a transform file (.mst).  This application can be found on the Lotus Notes install CD, in the \apps directory.  Instructions for this application can be found in the Domino 6.5 Administration Help.

Steps to add the "ConfigFile" parameter to the notes.ini:

Click on the IniFiles item under the Target System Configuration Section.
In the center pane, select "Destination Computer" and right click to choose Show Folder > ProgramFilesFolder.
Expand the ProgramFilesFolder Directory to Lotus to Notes to Data.
Select the VDIR_INI entry, right click and select "New Inifile."
Create the entries you want to add to the notes.ini file.             
Rename the default ini that is created to "notes.ini".
Rename the default section that is created for the "notes.ini" to "Notes".
Modify "New Key" to "ConfigFile" and "NewValue" to the path of your setup.txt under the Key and Value columns respectively.  The action should be set to "Add Line" which it should be set to by default.  (These items appear in the rightmost pane of the Tuner).   

Offline MHoenow

  • Frischling
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  • Beiträge: 10
Re: Notes.INI und Instant Messaging - Aus
« Antwort #3 am: 23.01.06 - 16:48:15 »
Super Dank!!!

Die Hinweise waren genau das Gesuchte! Bin schwer begeistert!!!

Offline MHoenow

  • Frischling
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  • Beiträge: 10
Re: Notes.INI und Instant Messaging - Aus
« Antwort #4 am: 24.01.06 - 11:55:59 »

Alles soweit super...

Aber wie bekomme ich die AdditionalServices definitv ausgeschaltet???


bringt leider rein garnichts und die Abfrage bei der Installation bzw. Konfiguration wird immer wieder abgefragt...!?

Jemand Ideen???


Offline blizzard

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Re: Notes.INI und Instant Messaging - Aus
« Antwort #5 am: 16.05.06 - 10:16:18 »

Probiers mal mit dem ;)
Grüße Matthias :-)

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