Autor Thema: Wo liegt die Notes-ID bei Roaming-Users auf dem Server  (Gelesen 10475 mal)

Offline matze79

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wo liegt eigentlich die User-ID eines Benutzers auf dem Server, der sich via Roaming an verschiedenen Clients anmeldet?

Wenn ich mir eine Ansicht im Persönlichen-Adressbuch baue, die mir alle Dokumente anzeigt, bekomme ich keines mit einem Anhang. Nach der ersten Anmeldung ist auch die ID aus dem Personendokument im NAB gelöst.

Wie werden in dem Zusammenhang Passwortänderungen in der Replik-ID gesetzt?

Viele Grüße
IBM Cerified System Administrator Lotus Notes and Domino 6/6.5
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Re: Wo liegt die Notes-ID bei Roaming-Users auf dem Server
« Antwort #1 am: 20.12.05 - 08:36:06 »
Hier die Infos aus der KBASE bzgl. Roaming User und User-ID


Offline matze79

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Re: Wo liegt die Notes-ID bei Roaming-Users auf dem Server
« Antwort #2 am: 20.12.05 - 10:39:47 »

danke für den Artikel. Leider steht auch hier nur drin, DASS die ID an das Persönliche Adressbuch angehängt wird, aber nicht wo.

"The file name of the ID file that is attached to the Personal Name and Address Book (NAB) for roaming is always called '' "

Was ich aber sehr interssant finde, ist die Tatsache, dass eine PW-Änderung über das BS via STRG+ALT+ENTF zwar in der Notes-ID übernommen wird, diese ID aber nicht als "geändert" markiert wird. Somit muss der User sich bei der Anmeldung am nächsten Client mit einem alten Passwort anmelden:

"However, if the password is changed via the operating system instead, the id file will not be flagged, and unfortunately the roaming feature will believe that no change has occurred; therefore, it thinks there is no need to include these id changes for replication back to the roaming server. "

Diese vorgehensweise ist ein Feature:

"Notes works as designed and there are presently no plans to change"

IBM Cerified System Administrator Lotus Notes and Domino 6/6.5
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Re: Wo liegt die Notes-ID bei Roaming-Users auf dem Server
« Antwort #3 am: 20.12.05 - 10:54:17 »
...das ist ein Problem mit dem Notes-Client bzw. mit dem PW-Synchen.
Das Drama hatten wir auch hier. Wir haben auf allen Rechner die Option zum
"Single-Sign-Logon" von Notes deshalb deinstalliert.

So nett das Feature ist, so schlägt einem das auch ins Kreuz - vor allem, wenn man
für 80 Leute neue PC's hinstellt und dann für 20 davon den Account neu rechnen darf,
weil die ID futsch war bzw. ein "unbekanntes" Kennwort drin stand.
..:: Guido ::..
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Der Schwung eines Pinsels erschafft noch kein geniales Gemälde.


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Re: Wo liegt die Notes-ID bei Roaming-Users auf dem Server
« Antwort #4 am: 20.12.05 - 10:59:20 »
Zum Thema Passwort folgendes:

Roaming User Must Synchronize Password Changes on Multiple Machines


You set up your profile as a Notes Roaming user, so that, for example, you can move between a remote site and your office. You change the password on one of the computers at a remote site. Later, when you return to your office computer, you must remember the old password for the USER.ID stored locally before you can change it to your new password.

Are there any other options? It may be difficult for user to remember old passwords, and cleaning up the roaming user files after usage means that the user has to reconfigure their client setup the next time they access a machine.

This issue was reported to IBM Quality Engineering. An enhancement request for this additional functionality has been submitted for consideration in a future release. However,
at this time there are no plans to change present functionality.

Additional Information
Currently, when a Notes 6.x user roams on multiple machines and their ID is stored as
part of the roaming process within their personal address book, the first time the user logs onto a different machine than the one on which the password change was made, the user must remember the old password for the USER.ID stored locally. Keep in mind that the non-roaming Client functionality caches the last used ID for the launch of that client. Therefore, the password prompt will first be for this ID which would require that the user remember their old password. Once the ID was accessed and thus server-client authentication could occur successfully, then roaming replication will bring down the
personally address book for that user and then detach the stored ID with the new
password, overwriting and updating the existing local (cached) ID. Subsequent
launch of this client will now reflect the new password.


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Re: Wo liegt die Notes-ID bei Roaming-Users auf dem Server
« Antwort #5 am: 20.12.05 - 11:01:31 »
Wo ist die ID im pers. NAB? Das ist etwas schwammig formuliert:

  The user ID is stored (as a file attachment) in the Roaming User's Personal Address Book if the user's organization allows its replication, and if the Domino Administrator selected the option for replicating it.  The user ID is doubly encrypted for added security before being attached.


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Re: Wo liegt die Notes-ID bei Roaming-Users auf dem Server
« Antwort #6 am: 20.12.05 - 11:02:50 »
Is It Possible to Attach a User's ID File to Their Personal Address Book After Roaming Setup Completes?


Can a user's id be attached to their Personal Address Book after completing roaming setup?

It is possible to store a user's ID file in their Personal Address Book and replicate it for roaming purposes in the following two instances:

1.  When a user is newly registered and designated as a roaming user, and
2.  When a user is upgraded to a roaming user and the Notes Administrator selects the option "Store user's ID in personal address book" (NOTE: This option is not selected by default). 

As part of the functionality of the Roaming User feature, the user's ID will be obtained locally from the first machine that completes the roaming setup, attached to that user's Personal Address Book, and then replicated to the user's designated roaming server.  It is neither attached, nor supplied to be attached, to the user's Personal Address Book at the server.

Once the user has successfully roamed that client, the following will occur:
the user's ID is doubly encrypted and attached to their Personal Address Book
the user's "RoamingIDIsInNAB" field set to "1" on the user's Person document
the Roaming Tab on the Person document will reflect the user's id in their Roaming Profile information
additional information is stored within a profile note specific to roaming within their Personal Address Book. 

The roaming features require the build-out of these elements in order for the feature and handling of the user's ID to work successfully.  This would not happen if the Notes Administrator were to attempt to attach that user's ID to their Personal Address Book after the fact.

If the Notes Administrator needs to store the user's ID file after the user has completed the
roaming setup, the Notes Administrator must downgrade and then upgrade the user back to roaming and then select to store their id file at that time.

Currently, there are no plans to change this present functionality of the roaming user feature; however, an enhancement request has been submitted to Quality Engineering as SPR# KTOT5ZUSBT for a future release.

Supporting Information:
From Notes 6x Release Notes:

Administrator Client, Client
Need to downgrade and upgrade to change Roaming ID storage

To change the storage of a roaming user's file, the user will need to be downgraded first.  Then, when the user is upgraded to roaming, the user's ID storage option for roaming can be changed via the Roaming Upgrade tool.  The option "Store user ID file in personal address book" can be turned on to store the ID in the Personal NAB, or turned off to require the user to carry their ID on diskette.

Offline matze79

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Re: Wo liegt die Notes-ID bei Roaming-Users auf dem Server
« Antwort #8 am: 21.12.05 - 11:20:19 »
Wie kommt man eigentlich an diese Profil-Dokumente ran? Kann man diese wie eine Maske öffnen?
IBM Cerified System Administrator Lotus Notes and Domino 6/6.5
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Re: Wo liegt die Notes-ID bei Roaming-Users auf dem Server
« Antwort #9 am: 21.12.05 - 11:27:48 »
An Profile kommt man nur via Programmierung  -bspw.

@Command( [EditProfileDocument];"roaminguserid")



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