Autor Thema: Notesdokumente für google indizieren lassen  (Gelesen 1779 mal)

Offline doliman

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Notesdokumente für google indizieren lassen
« am: 02.12.05 - 10:36:20 »

was muß ich beim Internetserver einrichten tun, damit google, yahoo, etc. nicht nur den Link auf meine nsf indiziert sonder auch die Dokumente in meiner Notesdatenbank?
Danke für jegliche Art von Infos.
Frank Doleschel

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« Letzte Änderung: 02.12.05 - 10:45:21 von Glombi »

Offline Lossa

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Re: Notesdokumente für google indizieren lassen
« Antwort #2 am: 02.12.05 - 10:43:36 »

im Serverdokument:
Internet Protocols
Domino Web Engine

Das Feld:
Make this site accessible to web search site crawlers: Aktivieren

Dadurch wird aus ?OpenDocument !OpenDocument und dieses ist von crawlern durchsuchbar.
Viele Grüße

Ulrich Lossa
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Re: Notesdokumente für google indizieren lassen
« Antwort #3 am: 02.12.05 - 10:55:12 »
Ich habe in der IBM KBASE dazu folgendes gefunden:

How do Internet Search Engines Interact with Domino Websites?


How do Internet search engines interact with Domino websites?  For example, how does Domino handle META tags and search engines?  If you put META tags in your Domino site, will the search engine be able to pick up on them?  Since Domino serves up HTML on the fly, will the search engines be able to pick up META tags within a Domino application?

How does Domino handle META tags and search engines?

You can put all your necessary META tags into an $$HTMLHead field on each form (including your $$NavigatorTemplateDefault and $$ViewTemplateDefault forms), from there on each search engine picks up the tags and sorts them out.

If you put META tags in your Domino site, will the search engine be able to pick them up?

Yes.  If any normal browser can see them, a search engine can.

Since Domino serves up HTML on the fly, will the search engines be able to pick up META tags within a Domino application?

Yes and no.  Providing you have a constant point of reference in at least one area (such as your opening page), then a search engine will pick up the META tags.  Additionally, once a document has been created in the Domino application, it has a fixed address in some respects (such as it's UNID).

You may also want to look into using a robots.txt file if you really want to get the search engines to work properly. This file tells an engine where it is allowed to index in your application.  Further information on robots.txt files can be found here at the following URL:

Additionally, there are a number of things you must and must not do...

First, ensure that your default home page section in the Server document of the Domino Directory (NAB) is set up correctly.  If it isn't, then you may be using a 302 redirect to get the browser to go to the correct page.  This can be checked (along with the state of your META tags) by using META Medic available at:

Secondly, any links with a question mark [?] in them that appear in the address box of a browser are indexed properly as the majority of search engines assume that it is dynamic content.  You can get round this by ensuring that at least your home page contains only links without question marks.  This may require you to hand code the HTML yourself.

Most search engines cannot understand the ? in Domino URLs. To get around this, you can sort the views on your web pages, which allows the use of document names instead of docid?opendocument.  You can then send each URL to the search engine and it works as expected. You can use docids, but make sure you leave off the ?xxxxxx at the end.

Either of the following work well, if the column is sorted:


The following does not register on most search engines:


Beginning with Domino 5.0, there is a server configuration option to use exclamation points [!] instead of question marks [?] in Domino URLs.  To enable this option, follow these steps:

1. Select the Internet Protocols - Domino Web Engine tab on the Server document
2.  select "Enabled" for the "Make This Site Accessible to Web Site Search Crawlers" option.

Using an exclamation point instead of a question mark makes it easier for Web search programs to search the Web site.  This setting has no effect on the URL commands that Domino accepts.  For example, when users type commands in the location box, Domino accepts URLs that contain both exclamation points and question marks.  Domino uses this setting only to generate pages.


Offline doliman

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Re: Notesdokumente für google indizieren lassen
« Antwort #4 am: 02.12.05 - 11:04:38 »
danke für die antworten, werd gleich mal checken welches Pünktchen da noch fehlt.
Frank Doleschel

Ein Berufsleben ohne Notes ist zwar möglich aber die Alternativen sind erschreckend ;-)


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Re: Notesdokumente für google indizieren lassen
« Antwort #5 am: 02.12.05 - 11:09:42 »
und hier noch FAQs von Google bzgl. Googlebot: Der Web-Crawler von Google



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