Mein Problem ist ich lese das RichText Field in den Arbeitspeicher,
aber ich weis nicht was für ein CD Typ der LINKExport2 ist .
' read all the Rich Text item info into an array...
Redim A(0) As APIItem
m = 0 ' counter
tt = 0 ' total bytes
NSFItemInfo hNT, item, Len(item), A(m).Item, dt, A(m).Value, A(m).Size
While Not A(m).Size = 0
tt = tt + A(m).Size
m = m + 1
Redim Preserve A(m)
ItemInfoNext hNT, A(m - 1).Item, item, Len(item), A(m).Item, dt, A(m).Value, A(m).Size
m = m - 1
' copy the actual Rich Text into a memory block...
OSMemAlloc 0, tt, hM
pm = OSLockObject(hM)
pp = pm
For i = 0 To m
aa = A(i)
na = aa.Size - 2
pv = OSLockObject(aa.Value.hPool) + aa.Value.Block + 2
CopyMem pp, pv, na
OSUnlockObject aa.Value.hPool
pp = pp + na
' scan the Rich Text for composite data records...
GetCD pm, tt, toff, tlen, sig, R
If sig =

Then '

End If
Loop Until ((sig = 0)Or(sig=???))
Sub GetCD(pointer As Long, length As Long, cdoffset As Long, cdlength As Long, cdsig As Integer, R As Long)
Dim i As Integer
Peek i, pointer + R, 2
cdsig = i And &HFF
cdlength = (i And &HFF00) / 256
cdlength = cdlength And &HFF
If ((cdlength And &HFF) = &HFF) Then
cdlength = 0
Peek cdlength, pointer + R + 2, 2
Elseif cdlength = 0 Then
Peek cdlength, pointer + R + 2, 4
End If
cdoffset = R
If cdsig = 0 Then R = R + 1 Else R = R + cdlength
Loop Until R >= length Or Not cdsig = 0
If R >= length Then
cdoffset = 0
cdlength = 0
cdsig = 0
R = 0
End If
End Sub