Hi pallas,
dieses Problem ist leider nicht nur eine Kleinigkeit
Es handelt sich mal wieder um einen Bug... dieses Mal allerdings möglicherweise im IE (sagt Lotus).
Hier der Auszug aus der KB:
You try to launch the webadmin.nsf from a browser and the following error occurs:
Overflow error.
In server console you got an error :
03/16/2005 11:11:16 Agent message: -------------------------------
03/16/2005 11:11:16 Agent message: Domino Web Administrator Error:
03/16/2005 11:11:16 Agent message: (Please report the error below
03/16/2005 11:11:16 Agent message: to IBM Lotus software support)
03/16/2005 11:11:16 Agent message: -------------------------------
03/16/2005 11:11:16 Agent message: Overflow in:
03/16/2005 11:11:16 Agent message: -->lsCommon:NOTESDATETIME2ISO8601
03/16/2005 11:11:16 Agent message: agPreferences$UserL2:
03/16/2005 11:11:16 Agent message: agPreferences$UserL2:
cPreferences:NEW (33)
However, we were able to load the webadmin.nsf successfully in 6.5 using the following workaround :
The Workaround consists in disabling the code that shows the progress bar highlighted in IMG. 1.
To disable the progress bar:
1. open the webadim.nsf database with Domino Designer
2. open the pgMainStartup page
3. comment out the following 2 lines containing "top.hProgressBar" using //
4. save
I think the problem is caused by the top.isIE property that is causing the browser to give the Overflow error messages.
Ich hatte das Problem auch (privat unter Linux) und hatte mit dem Workaround Erfolg. Hoffe Du auch