Hallo B@sti,
ist wohl leider ein Bug für den es auch noch keine Lösung gibt. Lediglich die Schritte zur Nachstellung werden in der KB beschrieben:
Specified template in archiving policy not being honored
Customer has create a policy that controls the behavior of archiving so that it uses a specific template other than the one being used in the users mail file. When archiving is initiated, however, and the archive file is checked, it is discovered that it is still using the same template as the original file. Why is the template specified in the archive settings not being honored?
Solution: (is aber keine
This issue has been reported to Lotus Software Quality Engineering.
Steps to reproduce:
1.Create a mail archive template (or use the attached template and adapt the ACL):
2. Copy the Mail (6) template on the server
3. Name the copy "Mail Archive"
4. Mark it as a master template with the template name "Mail Archive (6)" Create a new Archive Criteria "ArchiveCriteria" with the following settings:
5. Enable archive criteria
6. Copy old documents into archive database
7. Delete older documents from database
8. Chose desired template server and template (i.e. mail server and specialized mail archive template) Destination: Use defaults (i.e. archive\a_xxxxxx.nsf)
9. Create a new Archive Settings document "ArchiveSettings" with the following settings:
a) Prohibit private archiving criteria
b) Archiving will be performed on User's local workstation
c) Archiving source database is on Mail Server
d) Destination database is on Mail Server
e) Selection criteria: ArchiveCriteria
10. Create a new explicit policy "ArchivePolicy" which points to the archive setting "ArchiveSettings"
11. Create a new user; assign the policy "ArchivePolicy" during registration, switch to the new user
12. Open the user's mail file, create a new mail and save as draft Drag and drop this mail onto the "ArchiveCriteria" icon under Tools - Archive in the left hand navigator
13. Switch to the archive by clicking on the "Archive Criteria icon"
You will see that the new archive has been created using the same template as the mail file, not the mail archive template.
As an alternate way to show this problem:
1. Register a user on a domino 6.5 server with a mail file using the standard Mail (R6) template.
2. Create an explicit policy for archiving.
3. In the archive settings for this policy, enable the criteria and set the template to use as something other that the user's default template (ie, default is Mail (R6), archive settings criteria set for iNotes Web Access (R6)).
4. Assign this policy to the user created above.
5. From the console run a Load Compact -a against this test users mail file.
6. Check the properties on the user's archive file that was just created and you will see that it is the same template as their mail file (Mail (R6)) and the policy telling it to use a different template has not been honored.