Folgendes musst Du checken:
The "File does not exist" error occurs if the current location document does not contain an entry for its Web Navigator database setting. This setting is found under the Location document tabs Advanced, Web Retriever. To fix this, edit the location document and specify a database name. The typical usage is PERWEB.NSF. The Notes client creates this automatically.
The "Could not find any Web Navigator template" error occurs when the necessary template PerWeb.ntf is not found in the Notes data directory. Either correct the data directory location in the User Preferences or copy the template from another Notes client.
The "The Web Navigator retrieval process is not running" error is relative to the Locations document's "Internet browser" setting and or past setting for "Retrieve/open pages".
If the browser is set to "Notes" or "Notes with Internet Explorer":
If the "Retrieve/open pages" is set to "work offline" then reset it to either "from Notes workstation" or "from InterNotes server".
If the "Retrieve/open pages" is set/reset to "From InterNotes Server," be sure the InterNotes server entry on the Servers tab is set correctly.
If the browser is set to "Netscape Navigator" or "Microsoft Internet Explorer":
Temporarily set the field to "Notes".
Set the "Retrieve/open pages" to "from Notes workstation".
Set the browser field back to "Netscape Navigator" or "Microsoft Internet Explorer" as desired.
This particular issue, where the "Retrieve/open pages" setting caused unexpected behavior, was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering and was addressed in Notes 6.0.