also wenn ich es richtig in Erinnerung habe (bzw. die Designerhilfe richtig verstehe

), dann sind Variablen-Zuweisungen in @if nicht erlaubt:
A True or False statement in @If cannot contain an assignment. The left side of an assignment can occur only at the beginning of an outermost statement in a formula. The following syntax is illegal:
@If(condition; variable := value1; variable := value2)
Somit denke ich, dass das auch für "FIELD blabla:=" gilt. (?)
Except for @commands, the formula language operates on back-end Notes objects. For example, a field named in a formula refers to the field as it exists in storage and the FIELD reserved word modifies a stored field. @Commands operate in the user interface; changes made there are not reflected in the back-end until a document is saved. You cannot intersperse back-end and user interface accesses of the same document and get correct results.
Keine Ahnung, ob das jetzt wirklich der Grund für den Fehler ist, aber spricht was dagagen, mal im @if statt den FIELD-Zuweisungen @Setfield() zu verwenden?
Nur mal so ne Idee....