What is the maximum number of characters for a View or Folder name? How many nested levels may a View or Folder have? How many Views or Folders can a database have?
The maximum number of characters a View or Folder can have is 64.
There is not a limit on the number of nested levels, but there is a limit on the total length of characters to a View's farthest descendent. The total number of characters from a parent View or Folder to its farthest descendent child cannot be greater than 130 characters. This number includes a backslash character for each parent child level. In the example below the View, Parent, with it's descendants would have a length of 27:
The total number of Views and Folders is limited to 200 rows of display in the navigation pane on the left hand side when you open a database.
Originaltext IBM:
http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=463&context=SSKTMJ&q1=folder&q2=length&uid=swg21099040&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en MOD