Autor Thema: Dateipfad  (Gelesen 1671 mal)

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« am: 24.06.05 - 12:08:02 »
hi ho .

Kann es sein das UNC Pfadangaben unter R5 nicht laufen ?!



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Re: Dateipfad
« Antwort #1 am: 24.06.05 - 13:54:49 »
Was genau funktioniert denn nicht  ???

Evtl. das?
Die KBASE sagt: UNC paths will not work properly in R4 or R5.

In R4, when a UNC path is entered in the "This link points to" field, a directory link is created without error.  However, when you view the link from the Server Administration panel you will see that the first backslash has been removed.  Furthermore, when you attempt to view the database in the newly created directory link by selecting File, Database, Open from a Notes client and double-click to open the directory link folder, you receive the following error:

"File does not exist."

This error will also occur if a task such as Compact is run.

R5 will not allow a Domino Directory Link to be created with a UNC path.  When a UNC Path is entered in the "Path and filename to that folder or database" field, and OK is clicked to create the link, one of the following errors displays:

"The network path was not found"


"Incorrect function"

To work around this issue, do not use UNC paths in directory links.

This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering; however, there are currently no plans to address it.

Supporting Information:

UNC paths allow you to have a path-like structure but map it over a network.  For example:


« Letzte Änderung: 24.06.05 - 13:56:34 von Glombi »


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