Autor Thema: Mailbox opens - twice  (Gelesen 3115 mal)

Offline zyberzone

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Mailbox opens - twice
« am: 23.06.05 - 13:12:33 »

I hope you germans understand some english  ;D
This is the best forum I can find about Notes, and I use babelfish to translate it to english..

Anyway, I have a problem with Notes 6.5.1
Today, when I tried to open my e-mail, my mailbox opens twice. It opens up in two windows, and I can use both of them to check my mail....
I've searched the internet, and I have found no answer to this problem.

Can anyone help me out?
Thank you, Germans  ;D

Offline Semeaphoros

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Re: Mailbox opens - twice
« Antwort #1 am: 23.06.05 - 13:16:57 »
Welcome aboard

Of course, some here understand english ..... how would one survive in an industry, which is mostly speaking that language without at least understanding it .....

To your problem, I have not seen that happen either. But you probabily have a problem with some of your local system-database, that is bookmark.nsf, desktop.ndk or cache.ndk. So apply the standard procedure to them: delete cache.ndk, when notes is closed, compress the workspace, save bookmark.nsf away and let notes create a fresh one .......

PS: well, now you have to use babelfish to translate from english to german, so that you will be able to use your standard-procedure to read the forum .......  ;D
« Letzte Änderung: 23.06.05 - 13:18:47 von Semeaphoros »
Jens-B. Augustiny

Beratung und Unterstützung für Notes und Domino Infrastruktur und Anwendungen


IBM Certified Advanced Application Developer - Lotus Notes and Domino 7 und 6
IBM Certified Advanced System Administrator - Lotus Notes and Domino 7 und 6

Offline zyberzone

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Re: Mailbox opens - twice
« Antwort #2 am: 23.06.05 - 13:32:54 »
Thank you for your answer!  ;D

I've deleted cache.ndk, but i'm gonna try the other things you suggested.
The strange thing is that I now have this problem on 3-4 different computers (different users). And since I work at the helpdesk on my office, I need to solve this problem  >:(

Edit: I actually deleted bookmark.nsf and Cache.NDK, and then restarted Notes. It built the files again, AND IT WORKED.  :o
Thanks for your help!
I'm gonna use this forum a lot, since we often have problems with Notes :)

Thanks again
« Letzte Änderung: 23.06.05 - 13:37:43 von zyberzone »

Offline diali

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Re: Mailbox opens - twice
« Antwort #3 am: 23.06.05 - 13:40:57 »
- lösche alle Kacheln der Mail-DB (auch Repliken)
- komprimiere die desktoop6.ndk
- beende Notes
- lösche die cache.ndk
- starte Notes
- füge die MailDB der desktop6.ndk hinzu

Einige Dinge gehen im Cache erst verloren, wenn die DB von der Desktop6.ndk entfernt und die desktop6.ndk komprimiert wurde.

Offline koehlerbv

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Re: Mailbox opens - twice
« Antwort #4 am: 24.06.05 - 00:53:20 »

what you wrote in German language is exactly what Jens suggested and zyberzone acknowledged in their postings.

I guess this should stay an English thread, and any translation should be marked as "translation of the thread / solution" anyway.

Nevertheless, dialis's hint regarding removing ALL (!!!) database icons from the workspace is a very essential one.

zyberzone: Welcome to "AtNotes" ! Stay with us. From which country you're coming from ?


Offline zyberzone

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Re: Mailbox opens - twice
« Antwort #5 am: 24.06.05 - 07:30:03 »
Thank you everyone.
Since I have a lot of databases, it would take a couple of hours to get them back if I remove them.. So I didn't even try that :)

I'm from Norway.

Offline diali

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Re: Mailbox opens - twice
« Antwort #6 am: 24.06.05 - 08:06:48 »
remove only all mailbox database icons

Offline koehlerbv

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Re: Mailbox opens - twice
« Antwort #7 am: 24.06.05 - 08:41:33 »
Hi Dirk,

thanks a lot for stating it more precisely, because my words ("ALL icons") were really misunderstandable.

@zyberzone: A database icon (integrated in the file DESKTOP.DSK (R5) resp. DESKTOP.NDK (R6) represents a form of cache with specific informations regarding the design (and more) of a database. Only a minor part of the information are the locations of replicas of this database, so a corruption of this cache would concern all replicas of the database. But of cause - as Dirk already wrote - there is mostly no reason to delete the icon of other databases. A corruption of the desktop database (yes, DESKTOP.DSK/NDK is a Notes database, too) at all is fortunately a unusual circumstance.

Best greetings to Dirk - and to Norway  :)


Offline zyberzone

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Re: Mailbox opens - twice
« Antwort #8 am: 24.06.05 - 09:00:55 »
Okay, then I understand what you mean :)

But as I said, it worked without deleting that database.. So i'm happy now :)


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