Autor Thema: Dateianhang im Unix-Dateisystem ablegen  (Gelesen 1125 mal)


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Dateianhang im Unix-Dateisystem ablegen
« am: 24.06.05 - 09:55:30 »

ist es per Agent möglich in Lotus-Skript einen Dateianhang auf dem Notes-Unix-Server abzulegen ? Der Agent soll auf dem Server laufen!

Was ist da zu beachten ?
Geht das über normale Dateioperationen ? open #1,"file" for output etc.

Für Tipps wär ich dankbar.


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Re: Dateianhang im Unix-Dateisystem ablegen
« Antwort #1 am: 24.06.05 - 10:34:24 »
Attachments kannst Du mit
  Call notesEmbeddedObject.ExtractFile( path$ )
lösen. Alles weitere dazu findest Du in der Designer Hilfe.

Bei UNIX musst Du halt beachten, dass Pfadangaben mit "/" gemacht werden. Auch gibt es keine Laufwerke.
Das steht auch alles in der Hilfe unter "UNIX platform differences in LotusScript "

File system differences
LotusScript respects all aspects of UNIX file system security. This difference affects Kill, Open, and RmDir.
There are no drive letters on UNIX. All devices reside under the root directory. If you use a pathname containing a drive letter, LotusScript may return an error. For the %Include directive, this is a compiler error; for all other uses, this is a run-time error. (Note that since UNIX allows ":" in file names, the statement Dir$("a:") is legal. It searches the current directory for a file named a:.)
UNIX uses the "/" character (slash) as the directory separator while DOS/Windows platforms use "\" (backslash). LotusScript supports the use of slash and backslash, with the following restrictions:
String literals. If a slash is used in a string literal that is a pathname argument, the .LSO file generated will not run on other platforms, unless that platform supports slash (for example, the UNIX platform).
String variables. If you assign a string literal containing a slash to a variable, and then pass the variable as a pathname argument, a run-time error occurs if the platform does not support slash pathnames (for example, the DOS/Windows platform).
UNIX allows a wider variety of characters in pathnames than DOS/Windows platforms. For example, more than one "." may appear in a valid UNIX pathname.
LotusScript cannot use UNIX filenames (as opposed to pathnames) that contain the "\" character, since this character is always a path separator on other platforms.
UNIX uses the linefeed (ASCII 10) character as the line terminator. Other platforms use other characters. This difference means that files manipulated with the same LotusScript code, but executed on different platforms, may have different sizes. For instance, the Macintosh platform uses the carriage return character as the line terminator, so text files written on that platform have the same length as files written on UNIX. Since the Windows platform uses a two-character sequence, text files written there are larger than text files written on UNIX, given identical source code.



  • Gast
Re: Dateianhang im Unix-Dateisystem ablegen
« Antwort #2 am: 24.06.05 - 11:10:46 »
Werds testen - Danke!  :)


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