Autor Thema: Sun Marketing auf Ed Brill Pfad  (Gelesen 1816 mal)

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Sun Marketing auf Ed Brill Pfad
« am: 17.04.05 - 19:49:18 »
Es geht darum, dass Sun und nicht IBM aka Eclipse Software Foundation die führende openSource IDE verschenken möchten.
Und wieder diese Mischung aus technischen Halbwahrheiten und assoziativen Bildern aus dem Kopfkino von Mr Nowhere Man. Hochdramatische Sätze wie:
Eclipse is an industry coalition in open source clothing.
Maybe the pseudo-open-sourceness of Eclipse
Sometimes I think large companies are rather like toddlers - it's hard to get a large organization to behave maturely and intelligently (this is the voice of experience)
Eclipse fascinates me because it has all the characteristics of a pyramid scheme writ-large - and at EclipseCon I had the serious feeling I was at an Amway convention
But the thing is, software is a long haul proposition
so these folks are suddenly operating in a universe where the laws of physics are different, and assuming that all the old tricks work, and thinking that PR and buzz and press mean things that they simply do not.
How many jobs will be lost when the Eclipse bubble pops and the "partners" discover they aren't making money, but have handed over their customer list and their business to IBM in the meantime?
How many jobs will be lost when the Eclipse bubble pops and the "partners" discover they aren't making money, but have handed over their customer list and their business to IBM in the meantime?
What I would love to see for NetBeans is a bunch of small one-to-three person shops making fantastic tools, supporting their families through them, and around for the long haul. That's sustainable and benefits everyone.
What I would love to see for NetBeans is a bunch of small one-to-three person shops making fantastic tools, supporting their families through them, and around for the long haul. That's sustainable and benefits everyone.
Anybody can contribute to NetBeans. Come, write good code, don't break compatibility, and it will be incorporate
Sometimes I think the real strategy behind Eclipse was to get all of IBM's competitors to join a pseudo-cult and follow each other off a cliff

Es ist einfach zu großmäulig, ideologisiert und unscharf als das man sich darüber aufregen könnte.
Da werden ohne Luft zu holen apokalyptische Bilder produziert.  8)
Ganz die Klasse unseres Fearless Leaders Ed ist es noch nicht.


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