nach der Migration hatten wir Probleme mit dem Kalender das die Wiederholungen nicht mehr für x Jahre war sonder nur noch für x Monate.
Ein paar Mails mit IBM Support und jetzt haben die den Bug auch gefunden.
Hier noch ein Mail von IBM zum nachlesen.
Kann vieleicht dem einen oder anderem helfen.
Andy B
Hello Andy,
I would like to apologize first for the delay because I should reproduce
this PMR: with a German client while I don't speak German.
=> The first test has been done with English version and it is working
fine. But the problem happen only with German version.
I would like to let you know that was able to reproduce this pmr issue:
1* I have installed domino server 5.0.12 English and Notes client 5.0.12
=> - Create a new reminder entry:
- repeating 1.day, every month for 10 year
- subject = Brandabschottungen erfasst
- save the reminder
=> - Create a new reminder entry:
- repeating 1.day, every 6 month for 10 year
- subject = Kohlenkontrolle HRL
- save the reminder
2* Migrated to domino server 6.5.2 LP German and Notes client 6.5.2 German
3* After migration:
The reminder became available only Monthly instead of Yearly.
I am creating an SPR and keep the pmr open until when the APAR will be
I will send you another email with the SPR number.
Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any concerns.
Kind and Best Regards