Autor Thema: Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!  (Gelesen 11910 mal)

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Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!
« am: 09.02.05 - 08:10:17 »
Guten Morgen Leute!

Ich hab da mal ein großes Problem mit der Busytime.
Es sind dazu schon viele Einträge im Forum - hat aber alles nichts genützt.

Problem ist:
Es werden nicht alle Personen die eine Mailbox auf dem Server haben in die Busytime aktualisiert - nicht nach dem löschen der BT, nicht nach dem tell sched validate usw.

Damit verbunden sind dann die Fehlerhaften FreienZeit Einträge bzw Fehlermeldungen beim anlegen eines Termines (Bei Suche nach freier Zeit ist ein Fehler aufgetreten....)

Kann mir jemand bitte bitte helfen, ich weiß nicht mehr weiter!


Daniel  ???  ???
« Letzte Änderung: 09.02.05 - 10:11:32 von Daniel »

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Re: Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!
« Antwort #1 am: 09.02.05 - 20:28:28 »
Ueberprüfe, ob die betroffenen Personen korrekte Personendokumente im Directory haben und dort der Mailserver korrekt gesetzt ist. Und stelle sicher, dass das Directory nicht korrupt und die Ansichtsindizes uptodate sind
Jens-B. Augustiny

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Offline Daniel

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Re: Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!
« Antwort #2 am: 10.02.05 - 08:14:27 »

Danke Semeaphoros. Ich hab nachgesehen. Die Indizies passen alle im Dom Directory - sind alle frisch indiziert. Die Personendokumente sind auch richtig definiert. Server passt, Namen stimmen, abgelaufen ist auch noch nichts.

Ich nehme an, wenn ich im Dirctory arbeiten kann, dass es nicht korrupt ist, stimm das? (Ansonsten - Eventuelle Bestechungsgelder hab ich noch nicht erhalten.... :( ).

Was könnte denn da doch noch sein?

Mir fällt auf, wenn ich bei einem, in der Busyt nicht vorhandenem User einen Kalendereintrag erstelle, dann steht er nach 2 Minuten plötzlich in der Busytime - das ist doch nicht normal oder?

Ich dachte oder denke, jeder USer der im DomDirectory registriert ist befindet sich auch in der Busytime.

Naja, vielleicht fällt euch noch was ein!

Danke vorerst mal an Semeaphoros!



Offline Semeaphoros

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Re: Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!
« Antwort #3 am: 10.02.05 - 10:59:56 »
Naja, mit dem DomDir arbeiten können und nicht korrupt ist leider nicht identisch. Vielleicht lässest Du vorsorglich einen Fixuup und einen Compact drüber laufen. In der Admin-Hilfe gibt es einen Abschnitt, was man mit korrupten Datenbanken alles machen kann, um sie wieder herzustellen. Beim names.nsf muss man das allerdings "offline" machen, sprich, der Server muss angehalten werden.

Dass nicht alle Leute mit Kalendern in der Busytime drin sind, ist normal, die Einträge werden nur bei Bedarf, sprich, wenn entsprechende Kalendereinträge vorhanden sind, nachgeführt.
Jens-B. Augustiny

Beratung und Unterstützung für Notes und Domino Infrastruktur und Anwendungen


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Re: Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!
« Antwort #4 am: 10.02.05 - 13:04:22 »
@ Daniel

tell sched q
tell calconn q
dbcache flush
Die bysytime.nsf aus dem Domino Verzeichnis verschieben und umbenennen
load sched
load calconn



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Re: Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!
« Antwort #5 am: 10.02.05 - 13:08:27 »

guck mal in das Owner-Feld von den Mail-Profil-Dokumenten nach, ob da der hierarchische Notes-Name des Users drinne steht.

Unsere User haben oft die Angewohnheit, dort Ihren ausgesprochenen Namen eintragen z.B. "Rüdiger Müller", obwohl er im System "Ruediger Mueller/Orgeinheit/Organisation" heißt.

Gruß von Ekki

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Re: Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!
« Antwort #6 am: 10.02.05 - 13:30:03 »
Danke, die User dürfen da aber nicht reinschreiben und die Daten passen dort.

gelesen, getan - ohne Erfolg - allerdings ließ sich die Busytime.nsf nicht löschen - habe deshalb alle Dkumente der Busytime entfernt und die Dienste neu gestartet.
Ist das in Ordnung?

Offline Semeaphoros

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Re: Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!
« Antwort #7 am: 10.02.05 - 13:33:14 »
Nicht wirklich, bei diesem Vorgehen können Reste von Korruptionen oder so hängen bleiben. Da wirst Du dann wohl mal "exit" in der Konsole schreiben müssen, die busytime entfernen und neu starten.
Jens-B. Augustiny

Beratung und Unterstützung für Notes und Domino Infrastruktur und Anwendungen


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Offline Daniel

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Re: Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!
« Antwort #8 am: 10.02.05 - 20:09:25 »
Guten Abend!

So, hab grad eure Ideen umgesetzt - leider sind von 550 Usern immer noch nur 344 in der busytime. (Das ist in dem Fall normal).

Allerdings sind bei den Personen ohne Busytimeeintrag bei einem Kalendereintrag die FreienZeiteinträge immer noch nicht verfügbar (wahrscheinlich weil sie nicht in der bt sind?!?!)
Wieso werden diese nicht dort hineingeschrieben???




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Re: Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!
« Antwort #9 am: 11.02.05 - 10:12:08 »
noch eine ganz bescheidenen Frage:
Arbeitet ihr zufällig im Cluster?
Wenn ja, mach doch bitte die ganzen o.g Aktionen mit der clubusy.nsf.



  • Gast
Re: Busytime und Co - nicht alle User in Busytime!!
« Antwort #10 am: 11.02.05 - 10:18:31 »

und hier noch der Auszug von IBM:

The Free Time database (Busytime.nsf) does not need to be rebuilt on a regular basis. If the Free Time database is corrupt, the Schedule Manager will abort and log a failure, and free time lookups will return no data or inaccurate data.

To troubleshoot inaccurate Free Time start by doing the following:

1. Compare the $BusyName value in the Calendar document against the $Name value in the Person document or Resource/Room document in the Busytime.nsf or Clubusy.nsf (for clustered environments) database.

These entries should be the same, and in canonical format (that is, CN=First Name Last Name/O=Organization Name). They may not match in rare cases when a user (or room or resource) was renamed and the rename did not complete without problems. Check the Administration database (Admin4.nsf) for any errors that may have occurred during a rename.

2. Make sure the StartDate Time and the EndDateTime fields of the Calendar document match up with what displays in the Calendar or the CalendarDateTime field.

2a. The $BusyPriority item value on the Calendar document is used to convey "pencilled-in" versus "busy". A $BusyPriority value of "1" (or missing) is an Appointment and should appear as occupied time in the graphical user interface (GUI). A $BusyPriority value of "2" is a pencilled-in entry and should not appear in the GUI (the GUI does weighting but it has no means of rendering "pencilled-in" versus "busy", so it does not render them).

3. Check the user's Person document for misspellings/typos in the User Name, Mail Server, Mail File, and Domain fields.

4. Check the user's Notes Client preferences to make sure the user name in the field, "This Mail File Belongs To" is correct. While in the mail file, select Actions > Tools > Preferences and switch to the Mail tab, Basics sub-tab.

If you have checked all items above and they have their correct values then follow the steps below.

From the Domino Console of the Home server of the Mail file or Resource Reservations database type the following commands:

1. Tell Sched Show HIERARCHICALUSERNAME or roomname/sitename

This command will look at the Free Time database and display the entries for this person (sorted chronologically), and the data will be placed in the Log.nsf as well as display on the console. There will be 1 line per entry except for the case of repeating meetings which are listed as 2 lines per entry. Schedule Manager will also tell you some information about each entry such as whether it is pencilled in, repeating, etc. You can use this information to match up against entries in the user's actual Calendar.

2. Tell Sched List HIERARCHICALUSERNAME or roomname/site name

Issuing this command will display the user's profile information, list when the user is available, and write the data to the log.nsf as well as display it on the console. If the HIERARCHICALUSERNAME is not in the busytime database or not typed correctly then Schedule Manager will log the error "User HIERARCHICALNAME not found in schedule database" instead of any data.

3. Tell Sched Check HIERARCHICALUSERNAME or roomname/sitename

This command causes Schedule Manager to check the user's busytime data against their actual Calendar documents. If there are any existing busytime entries that are different than the actual entry in the user's Calendar, the user's busytime will be updated to match the version in the mail file. If the entry does not exist in the mail file then it is removed from the user's busytime record. Entries that do not already exist in the busytime database are not found and added; this command simply makes the current busytime data match the data in the user's mail file. If after running this command the busytime is still not accurate, open the Calendar entry in Edit mode and modify it by either making a fake change to it (for example, press the space bar in the description field) or marking it "pencil in". Run this command again. If you marked the entry as "Pencil In", deselect the "Pencil In" checkbox and run the command again.

4. Tell Sched Validate HIERARCHICALUSERNAME or roomname/sitename

This causes Schedule Manager to check if a user is "valid" or not on that server. If the user is valid, Schedule Manager will pick up any Calendar related changes that occur in the user's mail file after the command is run. It will NOT pick up any missing updates up to that point. If Schedule Manger is already monitoring for Calendar entries then the command has no effect. This command is primarily intended to be used in cases where new users, rooms or resources get added to the Domino server but are not immediately reflected in busytime.
If a new user is added and they immediately begin using Calendaring & Scheduling (or a new room or resource is created and you need it to be available immediately), you can use this console command after they have been added to the Domino Directory (Name & Address Book, or NAB) and Schedule Manager will begin to monitor their mail file and create a busytime record for them. Schedule Manager repeats its startup scans and database validation at 2AM local time; therefore, any new user, room or resource will automatically be found and added to Busytime.nsf at that point.

If the steps above did not resolve the issue, please prepare the following data to be submitted to Lotus Software Support:

Enable debugging for the Schedule Manager:


A Note about debugs:
1. DEBUG_SCHED_ALL is used by the Server / NSF to provide debug information about busytime lookups, etc. This option can be turned on/off via the console and takes immediate effect for Client -> Server command tracing of commands/lookups. This setting is NOT useful for tracking down any Schedule Manager related problems. A server restart is NOT required when you change the value of the Debug_schedule. It will take effect without a restart.

2. DEBUG_SCHEDULE is used just by the Schedule Manager to provide debugging information about what it is doing (or not doing). Before Notes/Domino 6, it was either On or Off (1 or 0). As of Notes/Domino 6.0 it was changed into 'levels' to keep the unnecessary information in the logs at a minimum. The levels are:

Debug_Schedule=1      /* Basic debugging messages */
Debug_Schedule=2      /* Busytime cache debugging */
Debug_Schedule=4      /* Admin Caveats, if they want 'em */
Debug_Schedule=8      /* Trace routine entry/exits */
Debug_Schedule=16     /* Scanning dBs for docs to process */
Debug_Schedule=32     /* Detail harvesting/processing related */
Debug_Schedule=32768  /* MSB = "All" or "R5 behavior", verbose */

You can combine the levels together to obtain combinations as desired. For example, you can use DEBUG_SCHEDULE=3 to obtain both "Basic" and "Busytime cache" messages.
This option is for tracing busytime information gathering by Schedule Manager only. This setting is NOT useful for tracking down any busytime lookup related problems. Changes to this setting DO require a restart of Schedule Manager in order to take effect.

1. An Operating System (OS) copy of the Busytime.nsf/Clubusy.nsf database. Note that for clustered servers the database is called Clubusy.nsf.
2. An OS copy of the mail file or Resource Reservations database.
3. An OS copy of the Domino Directory.
4. Any logged output that relates to the problem (missing entries, entries that do not belong, etc.).

If the Busytime database is to be re-created follow these steps:

1. If possible, map a drive or FTP to the Domino Server's \Data directory.
2. From the Domino Administrator open the live console.
3. Issue the following commands:

tell sched q
tell calconn q
dbcache flush (Several dbcache flush commands may be required, depending on the OS and the servers load)

4. On the Domino Server's \Data directory locate Busytime.nsf and rename it to something else, such as Busytime.old. Then move Busytime.old out of the \Data directory and from any references to a database or directory link. DO NOT leave the renamed copy in the Domino server's \Data directory hierarchy.

5. Issue the following commands:

load sched
load calconn

How To Re-create Clubusy.nsf File (applies to Domino 5.x and 6.x Servers only):

The Clubusy.nsf file is the Free Time database on a clustered server. To re-create (or restore) the Clubusy.nsf file do the following:

Note: This process must be done to all servers in the cluster to avoid the replication of Clubusy.

1. If possible, map a drive or FTP to the Domino Server's \Data directory.
2. From the Domino R5 or 6 Administrator client open the live console.
3. Shut down the Sched and Calconn tasks on all clusters and flush the database cache.

      tell sched q
      tell calconn q
      dbcache flush (Several dbcache flush commands may be required, depending on the OS and the servers load)

4. On the Domino Server's \Data directory locate Clubusy.nsf and rename it to something else, such as Clubusy.old. Then move Clubusy.old out of the \Data directory and from any references to a database or directory link. DO NOT leave the renamed copy in the Domino server's \Data directory hierarchy or unexpected results may occur.

If there is an instance of Busytime.nsf on the Domino Server's \Data directory, rename it to something else, such as Busytime.old. Then move Busytime.old out of the \Data directory and from any references to a database or directory link. DO NOT leave the renamed copy in the Domino server's \Data directory hierarchy.

Important Note: Steps 3 and 4 MUST be done on ALL clustermates BEFORE Step 5 is performed on ANY server. Otherwise, old data may be added back into the Clubusy database invalidating what you are trying to do. If you do not do this correctly, you will have to restart the recreation process for Clubusy.nsf (steps 1 - 4) all over again.

5. Start the Sched and Calconn tasks on all clustermates.

Related Documents:
Free Time Schedule Shows as Busy all Day After Upgrading to Domino 5.0.11 or Higher
Document #: 1105265
&nbspFree Time for Invitee in Notes/Domino R5 C&S Incorrectly Displays as Busy for Several Months
Document #: 1101422
How Do Calendar Entries Get Stored in the Free Time Database in Notes/Domino C&S?
Document #: 7003427
Related information
Free Time Schedule Shows as Busy all Day After Upgradin
Free Time for Invitee in Notes/Domino R5 C&S Incorrectl
How Do Calendar Entries Get Stored in the Free Time Dat

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