Das ist schon richtig, Thomas, wenn auch nicht das richtige Wort dafür
Precedence of Operators heisst das und die Tabelle dazu gibts in der Designer-Hilfe, hier die Uebersichtstabelle:
^ Exponentiation
- Unary negation (unary minus)
*, / Multiplication, floating-point division
\ Integer division
Mod Modulo division (remainder)
-, + Subtraction, addition
& String concatenation
Relational (Comparison)
=, <>, ><, <, <=, =<, >, >=, =>, Like
Object reference comparison (Same precedence as Relational)
Is, IsA Tests object type, refers to the same object
Not Logical negation or one's complement
And Boolean or bitwise And
Or Boolean or bitwise Or
Xor Boolean or bitwise exclusive Or
Eqv Boolean or bitwise logical equivalence
Imp Boolean or bitwise logical implication
Assignment = Assignment