Autor Thema: "Unbekannter Betrachter-Fehler"  (Gelesen 2924 mal)

Offline mangler

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"Unbekannter Betrachter-Fehler"
« am: 12.10.04 - 12:16:51 »
Hallo @ll!

Ich bin's schon wieder... also:

auf einem Rechner mit Win XP Prof., Office 2003 und Notes 6.0.4 DE erscheint bei eingegangenen emails nach dem Klick auf Ansicht bei einer TXT-Anlage die Fehlermeldung "Unbekannter Betrachter-Fehler". Wer kann mir weiterhelfen?

Viele Grüße
« Letzte Änderung: 15.10.04 - 15:41:08 von mangler »
Es ergibt sich alles - wenn die Zeit reif dafür ist !!!

Offline mangler

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Re: "Unbekannter Betrachter-Fehler"
« Antwort #1 am: 15.10.04 - 15:39:34 »
Auszug aus: Lotus Software Knowledge Base

Title:   Error: "Unknown Viewer Failure" when Using the Attachment Viewer in Notes R5
Product:   Lotus Notes  >  Lotus Notes  >  5.x
Platform(s):   Platform Independent
Date:   21.06.2001
Doc Number:   1088159

In Notes 5.x, when you attempt to use the attachment viewer on any attachments in a document, you receive the following error message:

"Unknown viewer failure."

The "Unknown viewer failure" error is usually caused by either (1) an incomplete installation of all viewer files, (2) a possible mixing of viewer DLL's from different versions of KeyView releases, or (3) a read-only KEYVIEW.INI file.  To avoid the error, verify that the KEYVIEW.INI file is NOT marked read-only and that the installation has been performed correctly.

NOTE: If you install the clients from a shared directory, you will encounter this issue, unless the HOME section in the KEYVIEW.INI file is amended to point to the shared directory of the install.  The only way to avoid this is to remove the client and its NOTES.INI, and reinstall the code.

Supporting Information:

The issue also was reported to occur when a customer did not have the entry in the KEYVIEW.INI file configured correctly.  The HOME value must have the correct path, i.e., the Notes Executables directory, which is where these files are installed.  The entry in the KEYVIEW.INI file should be as follows:

; The following line must contain the HOME value (directory where KeyView components installed)
Es ergibt sich alles - wenn die Zeit reif dafür ist !!!


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