Autor Thema: Fehlermeldung beim Adressbucheintrag  (Gelesen 1161 mal)

Offline JayPetto

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Fehlermeldung beim Adressbucheintrag
« am: 22.09.04 - 13:52:05 »
Unsere User wurden angehalten, ihre Adressbucheinträge zu pflegen (im names.nsf). wenn Sie die gewünschten Änderungen machen und abspeichern, kommt diese Meldung:

Error: Invalid or missing domain

Was könnte damit gemeint sein? Sie können nicht speichern, die Berechtigungen stimmen...


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Re:Fehlermeldung beim Adressbucheintrag
« Antwort #1 am: 22.09.04 - 14:05:06 »
Save and Close Person Document: "Error: Invalid or Missing Domain"
Technote (FAQ)
You just upgraded your Domino Server from Release 4.6.5 to 5.0.5. You upgraded the Domino Directory and ran Compact on it to bring it up to R5 ODS. You also upgraded some clients to 5.0.5. You find that when you edit any field in a Person document using the R5 client, and click "Save and Close", you get the following dialog box and error:

Field Contains Incorrect Value
Error: Invalid or missing domain

Notes then flips you over to the Mail tab in the Person document. You find that from an R4 client, you can modify a Person document fine.  
If you examine the fields in the Person document carefully, you find the following in the Internet Address field in the Mail tab:;jsmith
(notice the semicolon between Internet address and Shortname which seemed to be appended as a result of the upgrade).

You look at the Shortname field on the Basics tab. In R4, you put the person's Internet address first, then the shortname:

For some reason, the upgrade populated the Internet address field in the Mail tab with this Internet address then appended the shortname after a semicolon.
Clearing out the Internet address field, or deleting just the shortname and semicolon fixes the problem.

This issue has been reported to Lotus Quality Engineering.

Offline JayPetto

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Re:Fehlermeldung beim Adressbucheintrag
« Antwort #2 am: 22.09.04 - 14:37:55 »
Hab das überprüft, aber das sind alles nagelneue 5.0.11er Clients, die Felder sind alle i.O.  Den Faq hatte ich bereits gelesen gehabt.

Ich versuche jetzt mal einen Fixup aufs names.nsf


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