dann guckst Du Dir diesen KB- Eintrag an (1170952):
You have chosen to block mail from a particular sender by choosing Tools, Block mail from sender while a message from that sender is selected in the Inbox, however you continue to receive messages from that user.
Additionally, you are unable to disable the block mail rule. The Notes status bar shows that the sender is blocked, however there is no rule displayed in the Rules view for you to select for disabling.
In at least one case, the mail rule was not being created when Tools, Block mail from sender was chosen. As a workaround, it was found that if a rule to block mail from a particular sender was manually created rather than using the menu sequence, the mail was successfully blocked and the rule could be disabled.
In one other case, the rule was created but was not taking effect even after a restart of the mail server. In this case, opening the rule from the "Rules" folder, double clicking the new rule to put it in edit mode, and then selecting OK, resolved the issue. You do not actually have to make any changes to the rule. You may need to wait a few minutes for the rule to take effect.
Gilt sicher für alle R6 releases (haben ja alle in etwa die selbe Code- Base)