Autor Thema: Server Error: Message Queue is full  (Gelesen 2326 mal)

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Server Error: Message Queue is full
« am: 05.08.04 - 10:12:10 »
Hallo zusammen,

ich erhalte eine Messagebox mit der Meldung "Server Error: Message Queue is full" wenn ich einen Volltextindex bei einer Datenbank anlegen möchte.

deutsche Fehlermeldung:
"Serverfehler: Die Nachrichtenwarteschlange ist voll."

Domino 6.5.1 englisch
Client 6.5.1 englisch und auch Client 6.5.2 deutsch

Hat jemand eine Idee?


« Letzte Änderung: 05.08.04 - 10:13:34 von DocNotes »

Offline DigitDani

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Re:Server Error: Message Queue is full
« Antwort #1 am: 05.08.04 - 12:55:31 »
Hi Doc,

vielleicht hilft Dir das weiter:

This issue was reported to Lotus software Quality Engineering and has been determined to be working as designed.  ;)

Although the index frequency is set to update immediately, what actually occurs is that the job scheduler immediately puts the update request in to a full-text-index update queue.  However, the update task then waits 15 minutes for all the other full-text-index requests.

The elapsed time between closing a database and the actual updating of the full text index is a function of the request's position in the queue.  If your request is first, then the full text index will be refreshed more quickly than if your request is last.  If the full-text-index update queue is full at the time the database is closed, the full text index will not update until (1) the next time the periodic hourly full-text-index updating occurs, (2) updall runs, or (3) you manually initiate a full-text-index update via the Full Text tab in the Database Properties dialog box.

The name of the update queue is $UPDATEQUEUE (PQ$INDEXER in R3).  This queue holds a maximum of 500 requests in R4 and 10,000 in R5 and R6 (100 requests in R3) and is also used as a queue for database view updates.  Therefore, the total number of requests includes view update requests as well as full-text-index update requests.

The $UpdateQueue is a hard-coded queue in R4 that has a maximum capacity of 500 requests.  In R5 and Notes/Domino 6 this queue is called the MQ$INDEXER.  These requests include updates to view indexes as well as full text indexes.  When a request is placed into the queue, the actual names of the databases and paths to the databases are stored in the queue, not the view names themselves.  You can use the console command Show Tasks to see if Update is running and what it is doing.  It is displayed as the Indexer task when using the Domino console.  However, it shows up as Update when displayed using WRKACTJOB (Work with Active Jobs) or when using Operations Navigator or some other system tool.  There is no published way to display the actual contents of the $Update queue.
Viele Grüße

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Re:Server Error: Message Queue is full
« Antwort #2 am: 06.08.04 - 08:07:31 »
Trotz Fehlermeldung war die Datenbank heute morgen indiziert.  ::)

Offline DigitDani

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Re:Server Error: Message Queue is full
« Antwort #3 am: 06.08.04 - 09:34:23 »
Hi Doc,

wie ja in der TechNote auch steht, bedeutet die Fehlermeldung nicht, dass die Indizierung fehlschlagen wird:

If the full-text-index update queue is full at the time the database is closed, the full text index will not update until (1) the next time the periodic hourly full-text-index updating occurs, (2) updall runs, or (3) you manually initiate a full-text-index update via the Full Text tab in the Database Properties dialog box.

Viele Grüße


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