Autor Thema: Unable to replace obsolete catalog: The name is not in the list.  (Gelesen 2486 mal)

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Ich tippe darauf, dass in der ACL der catalog.nsf die Gruppe "LocalDomainCatalogServers" nicht aufgeführt ist.

Catalog Task Does Not Work After Deleting the LocalDomainServers Entry from the ACL


A Notes/Domino 5.x customer receives the following error after removing the LocalDomainServers or LocalDomainCatalogServers group name from the Access Control List (ACL) of the CATALOG.NSF database:

"Unable to replace obsolete catalog: The name is not in the list."

Steps to reproduce this issue:

1.   Install a Domino 5.0.2c server.
2.   Start the Catalog task: Load catalog on server console.  This creates the CATALOG.NSF file.
3.   Remove the LocalDomainServers entry from the ACL and make sure the server is listed in another group (for example: MyServers).
4.   Start the Catalog task again.
5.   Note the error displayed on the server console is:  "Unable to replace obsolete catalog: The name is not in the list."
6.   Put the LocalDomainServers group back in the ACL.
7.   Start the Catalog task and note that it works fine.

The same error message is received after deleting the LocalDomainCatalogServers group from the ACL.



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