Zur Info Version Domini 5.07a und 5.08
beim Einsatz der Lotus Notes Version 5.07a auf Server kann es zum Serverabsturz kommen wenn der HTTP-Task gestartet ist. Davon betroffen sind auch alle Vorgängerversionen sowie die Version 5.08. (siehe auch unten)
In der Version 5.09 soll der Fehler behoben sein!
Domino HTTP server
Lotus Domino 5.08 and earlier
Hendrik-Jan Verheij reported following, discovered & tested by Ninke Westra :
There exists a DOS in the current version of Lotus Domino 5.08 and earlier. The DOS manifests itself on Lotus Domino servers with the http task running and ssl enabled. A connection to the victim on port 443 with the nmap '-sR' switch will target this port with SunRPC program NULL commands in an attempt to determine whether it is an RPC port, and if so, what program and version number it serves up. Our first attempt brought the domino test server down. Tests on other setups revealed the same behaviour. The task that crashes is the nhttp task. It takes down the whole server.
The nmap command used:
nmap -n -p 443 -sR
www.vicitim.comLotus has acknowledged the issue and the internal reference number is SPR #MALR4Y6RL8
The issue has been fixed in Lotus Domino 5.09 which is available from
www.notes.net as an incremental upgrade.
Viele Grüße Christopher