Autor Thema: JDK incompatibility for DB2 jdbc driver  (Gelesen 1550 mal)

Offline Toma Bogdan

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JDK incompatibility for DB2 jdbc driver
« am: 08.06.04 - 08:54:49 »

I try to connect to db2 from a java agent using jdbc driver in notes 5 client.

the code is
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,username, password);
At runtime I get the error :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/security/PrivilegedExceptionAction  ???
I check the rt.jar and PrivilegedExceptionAction
is not there. The same code work fine in notes 6 with the same driver (for notes 6 rt.jar contains PrivilegedExceptionAction class)  :o

Can someone tell me if there is different versions for driver compatible with jdk 1.1 used in domino5?

« Letzte Änderung: 08.06.04 - 09:02:58 von Toma Bogdan »

Hernan Cortez

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Re:JDK incompatibility for DB2 jdbc driver
« Antwort #1 am: 08.06.04 - 09:14:34 »
whats your db2 version ???
Db2 Vs.7 had java1.1 support enabled as default.
One had to run some batch file to change that.
Could be, that DB2 Vs.8 ships with Java1.2 support enabled and one has to switch back to Java1.1 support?
So it might be good idea to check your db2 documentation.



Offline Toma Bogdan

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Re:JDK incompatibility for DB2 jdbc driver
« Antwort #2 am: 08.06.04 - 09:23:24 »
the DB2 version is 8.1

how can I make a switch back in DB2 ?

Hernan Cortez

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Re:JDK incompatibility for DB2 jdbc driver
« Antwort #3 am: 08.06.04 - 10:52:40 »
I've checked on another box where I have istalled db2 v.8 and it looks different from 7.1.
Frankly, I have no idea. Try IBM db2 forums or forums.
If you get some result, please post here. I am interested.

no time Axel

Hernan Cortez

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Re:JDK incompatibility for DB2 jdbc driver
« Antwort #4 am: 08.06.04 - 18:43:29 »
I've did another 20 minutes check without getting a clue.
Maybe DB2 8 simply does not support Java1.1. Why should they support prehistoric versions  anyway? Java2 came out in 1999. 1.0 release in Java was in 1996. We are in 2006. Only because those brainies from Iris did not spend Domino5 Java2 support in some 5.xx release?  

What about downloading DB2 7.2. It has Java1.1 enabled and you can switch version with some batch files in Java directory.

I am about to visit to see the website of an evil man. Then @home.

good night


« Letzte Änderung: 08.06.04 - 19:17:31 von El Indio Mapuche »


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