Aus der KBASE:
omino Server Error: "MemAlloc: OUT OF PRIVATE HANDLES...Used So Far 20034, Maximum Handles = 10495"
Ever since a customer upgraded their server from Domino 4.6x to 5.0.2b, the server hangs with the following error at the server console approximately once a week:
"[016F:012E-01B5] MemAlloc: OUT OF PRIVATE HANDLES! -- pid 0000016F Handles used so far 18600, Maximum handles = 10495"
Once this error occurs, Notes 4.6x clients receive the following errors when they attempt to authenticate with the server:
"Maximum number of memory segments that Notes can support has been exceeded."
"Your Public Key not found in the Name and Address book."
This issue was reported to Lotus Quality Engineering and has been addressed in Domino 5.0.4.
Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino Release 5.0.4 QMR fix list:
SPR# CWAR4JQHJG - Fixed a memory leak that occurred during replication of folders. [5.0.4]
It was found that the problem was due to a leaking memory block during folder replication. The block is used for mail files that are accessed through IMAP and POP3.
Supporting Information:
Excerpt from MEMORY.DMP:
+24010446 6007500 PRCHDL BLK_FOLDER_REFERENCE_INFO - Folder reference info array