Autor Thema: Java Community und fun  (Gelesen 1867 mal)

Marinero Atlántico

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Java Community und fun
« am: 23.06.04 - 11:44:39 »
Weiss nicht, ob jemand das auch so komisch und gleichzeitig tragisch findet wie ich.
Intelligente, schreibmächtige Menschen haben diese Blogs.;D

Als Kind mochte ich diese Ritterfilme. Die mit Lanzelot, dem Schwarzen Ritter und König Artus.
Heute weiss ich, dass Javablogs viel besser ist.
Hier die lustige Kissenschlacht zwischen meinen furchtlosen Gedankenführern Russ Beatty (Unternehmer einer Consulting für mobile Java) und Hani Suleiman (einer der beiden Hauptentwickler des von uns bei Kunden eingesetzten open Source Workflow-Management-Frameworks OS Workflow):

This is very, very amusing as Hani only became my biggest detractor after I banned him from commenting on this weblog, and after he whined at me about it [...]

The verbal defecation that Hani spews out on all of us shouldn't be praised, linked to or acknowledged. If anyone is tedious and contributes nothing, it's Mr. Suleiman. The annoying facade of intelligent belittler is really just nothing more than a cover for an obnoxious thin-skinned wannabe loser.

So fuck you, Hani, You whinging piece of shit. I don't want to hear anything more about how boring or mindless I am since you seemed to be quite happy reading me and commenting on my blog before I told you what a despicable, reprehensible person you really are.

Russell Beattie interview? So I note that poor old Russell has thoroughly soiled his panties over being called tedious, boring, and utterly pointless. Now, I can't decide what to do, so I'll leave it up to you unwashed masses to determine his fate. Should I post an Beattie interview, so he gets a chance to reveal his true self to us, or should I take the high road, and ignore him? Some pros and cons:

# It's always fun to harpoon the incompetent.
# He'll probably cry, given how much personal info he has on his site to laugh at.
# Secretly, people enjoy reading about other people's suffering.

# He's a nobody, doing an interview with him would be insulting to everyone else honoured with one.
# It's a mean personal attack that has no place in such a fine professional blog.
# I'll likely cross any number of uncrossable lines which would reflect badly on me, in turn.

So, you vote. Should the little pig be publicly lynched or not? I personally don't particularly feel the need, but it's up to you kids.

Gut sind auch die Kommentare der "unwashed masses" (Zitat Hani Suleiman) auf beiden blogs.

Es wird nicht mehr zum Schwertduell aufgefordert sondern zum Interview. Dabei wird davon ausgegangen, dass das Ego des Interviewten bleibenden Schaden von diesem schröcklichen Ereignis davontragen wird.

Mir ist das übrigens lieber als die Heile Welt der Notes-Blogs. Ed Brill würde vermutlich jeden Tag zum "Interview" bestellt werden. ;D


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