Autor Thema: Mailbox-Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden: Datei nicht vorhanden  (Gelesen 3975 mal)

Offline OCS

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Seit einiger Zeit bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung:
"Mailbox-Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden: Datei nicht vorhanden"

Allerdings werden die Mails alle korrekt versendet; wenn ich im Notes-Verzeichnis nach dieser Datei suche, gibt es sie nicht - wird ja auch in der Fehlermeldung gesagt. Allerdings denke ich, dass es sie einmal gegeben haben muß, allerdings weiß ich nicht, wo.

Die Frage ist: Wie bekomme ich die lästige Fehlermeldung weg, da ja anscheinend kein wirklicher Fehler vorliegt???

Falls hier jemand eine Idee hätte, würde ich mich über eine Antwort sehr freuen!!!

Ich arbeite auf einem Domino-Server 5.0.9a.

Vielen Dank
« Letzte Änderung: 19.05.04 - 15:33:54 von OCS »


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Upgraded R5 Server: "No Messages Transferred to via Notes: File Does Not Exist"


You have just upgraded a Domino 4.6x server to R5, or upgraded from version 5.0.2c or earlier to version 5.0.3 or later.  When you attempt to send outbound SMTP mail, it is not delivered, and you notice the following error message in the Log:

05:23:32 PM  Router: No messages transferred to via Notes: File does not exist
05:23:32 PM  Router: No messages transferred to via Notes: File does not exist


There are two possible causes of this problem:

(1)  First, check the Server Configuration document; there may be one or more Configuration documents, and the settings may be incorrect as a result of the migration.  Specifically, check that the field "SMTP used when sending messages outside of the local Internet domain" (under the Router/SMTP tab) is set to Enabled.  If there is already a Configuration document there, re-create this document with the correct settings and delete the old (migrated) document.  Re-start the Router task.

Tip:  Change the Group or Server Name field of the Server Configuration document from Server/Org to a non-Domino server name or to an entry that does not exist in the Notes domain.  This allows the document to remain with settings in the view without the server using the Configuration document.

(2)  The problem can also occur when the Foreign SMTP and SMTP Connection documents' Domains\Destination Domains fields do not match, which has been known to occur when customers upgrade from 5.0.2c or earlier to 5.0.3 or later.  Check the server SMTP Connection documents; if you have an SMTP Connection Document that points to a nonexistent SMTP Foreign Domain (no Foreign SMTP Domain document of that name), and you stop/start the router, you will get the above error message from Router and outbound Internet mail will not be delivered.

To resolve the issue, try the following:

Add the Foreign SMTP Domain document to reference the Destination domain of the SMTP Connection document or change the destination domain to match the Foreign SMTP Domain document that already exists.

If SMTP mail routing exists on the Replication/Routing tab, change this to include only mail routing as a routing task.

If there is only one Server Configuration document in the view, make this document Default for all servers by selecting "Use these settings as default settings for all servers".  This should create an LDAP tab in the document.  Restart the Router.

Supporting Information:

In addition, it has been reported that this problem will also appear if you have multiple Foreign SMTP Domain documents that send all mail to the Internet.  This usually happens when you have more than one 4.x SMTP server.  Multiple Foreign SMTP Domain documents were never supported, regardless of their functionality.  Extraneous documents need to be removed so the Router can route mail properly according to its algorithm $Cost, $Hops and $Servernames.



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