Moin Hoshee
Ein Mann genannt Ulrich Krause (--> EKnori?) postete einmal ein Stück Code mit dem man Server Commands ausführen kann. Vielleicht hilft dir das ja was ( e.g. sh task )
Shortcut for executing server commands
Steve Holman
09 Oct 2001, Rating 4.53 (out of 5)
This tip is derived from a piece of code that was placed on the Notes Gold Forum by Ulrich Krause. I modified it to make it easier for administrators to use and added functionality.
This is an example of how to send server task commands to a Domino Server using LotusScript and the WIN32 API. This allows for Administrators to use a form with a button, a view action, a form action, etc. to send commands to the server and in some cases see the results. Any "SHOW" command will show results, most others will come back with "Command Executed!" Follow the instructions below to set it up.
1. Create a blank form in a database. Name it anything you want.
2. Add a button to the form. The text for the button should be Console Command or something like that.
3. In the "Declarations" section of the button, copy and paste the code below.
Declare Function NSFRemoteConsole Lib "NNotes.dll" Alias "NSFRemoteConsole" (Byval Server As String, Byval cmd As String,
ret As Long) As Long
Declare Function OSLockObject Lib "NNotes.dll" Alias "OSLockObject"
(Byval Handle) As String
Declare Sub OSUnlockObject Lib "NNotes.dll" Alias "OSUnlockObject"
(Byval Handle)
Declare Sub OSMemFree Lib "NNotes.dll" Alias "OSMemFree" (Byval
Class remoteConsole
Private IsError As Variant
Private rc As Integer
Private hBuffer As Long
Private Server As String
Private Command As String
Private Result As String
Sub New(inpServer As String)
Dim server As New NotesSession
If inpServer = "" Then
Me.IsError = True
Me.IsError = False
End If
End Sub
Function Execute(inpCommand As String, myserver As String) As String
If Me.Server = "" Then
Me.Server = myserver
End If
If inpCommand = "" Then
Me.execute="You must specify a command"
Me.iserror = True
Exit Function
Me.command = inpCommand
End If
Me.rc = NSFRemoteConsole(Me.server, Me.command, hBuffer)
If Me.rc <> 0 Then
Me.iserror = True
Me.result="Error returned " & _
" from console [" & Cstr(rc) & "]"
Me.result = OSLockObject(hBuffer)
Call OSUnlockObject(hBuffer)
Call OSMemFree(hBuffer)
Me.Iserror = False
End If
If Me.result = "" Then
Me.result = "Command executed!"
End If
Me.execute = Me.result
End Function
End Class
4. In the "Click" section of the button, copy and paste the code below.
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim exec As String
Dim remConsole As New RemoteConsole("")
'Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
'Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim myserver As String
'Dim mydatabase As String
'Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
myserver = Inputbox$("Type a server name", "Remote Console
Task", "<server>")
'mydatabase = uidoc.FieldgetText( "RI_MailFileNm" )
Exec = Inputbox$("Enter a remote console task", "Remote
Console Task", "Sh Ta")
If exec = "" Then
Exit Sub
Msgbox remConsole.Execute(exec, myserver), 0, "Results"
End If
End Sub
5. Save the form.
6. Open the database via the client and then choose Create --> Your Form(whatever you named your form).
7. Click the button and watch it work.
You can get creative from there. Just one of its uses from my site is that we use it in a portal we create a long while back in a Notes Database. It's a database on the Notes client that can do anything our administrators need to do at our site.
Declare Function NSFRemoteConsole Lib
"NNotes.dll" Alias "NSFRemoteConsole" (Byval Server As String, Byval cmd As String, ret As Long) As Long
Declare Function OSLockObject Lib "NNotes.dll" Alias "OSLockObject"
(Byval Handle) As String
Declare Sub OSUnlockObject Lib "NNotes.dll" Alias "OSUnlockObject"
(Byval Handle)
Declare Sub OSMemFree Lib "NNotes.dll" Alias "OSMemFree" (Byval
Class remoteConsole
Private IsError As Variant
Private rc As Integer
Private hBuffer As Long
Private Server As String
Private Command As String
Private Result As String
Sub New(inpServer As String)
Dim server As New NotesSession
If inpServer = "" Then
Me.IsError = True
Me.IsError = False
End If
End Sub
Function Execute(inpCommand As String, myserver As String)
As String
If Me.Server = "" Then
Me.Server = myserver
End If
If inpCommand = "" Then
Me.execute="You must specify a command"
Me.iserror = True
Exit Function
Me.command = inpCommand
End If
Me.rc = NSFRemoteConsole(Me.server, Me.command,
If Me.rc <> 0 Then
Me.iserror = True
Me.result="Error returned " & _
" from console [" & Cstr(rc) & "]"
Me.result = OSLockObject(hBuffer)
Call OSUnlockObject(hBuffer)
Call OSMemFree(hBuffer)
Me.Iserror = False
End If
If Me.result = "" Then
Me.result = "Command executed!"
End If
Me.execute = Me.result
End Function
End Class
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim exec As String
Dim remConsole As New RemoteConsole("")
'Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
'Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim myserver As String
'Dim mydatabase As String
'Set uidoc = ws.CurrentDocument
myserver = Inputbox$("Type a server name", "Remote Console
Task", "<server>")
'mydatabase = uidoc.FieldgetText( "RI_MailFileNm" )
Exec = Inputbox$("Enter a remote console task", "Remote
Console Task", "Sh Ta")
If exec = "" Then
Exit Sub
Msgbox remConsole.Execute(exec, myserver), 0, "Results"
End If
End Sub