Autor Thema: [Politik:] Globalisierung / Integration in Weltmarkt aus südindischen Persp.  (Gelesen 1687 mal)

Hernan Cortez

  • Gast

Nach meiner Privatmeinung gibt es keine Alternative zur freien Marktwirtschaft.

Aber das hier halte ich für extrem interessant. Südindien gilt als der Gewinner der letzten Globalisierungswelle. Nur gibt es dort eben durch den Wandel Gewinner und Verlierer.

Die gleichen Punkte bezüglich der Ausnutzung der Marktmacht durch globale Konzerne zur Erlangung von Zugeständnisse durch die vom Volk gewählten Vertreter, wie bei uns.  ::)

Diese Politik zur Ansiedlung von High Tech Unternehmen erscheint als ein ruinöser Wettbewerb.

gesamter Artikel hier:
(erfordert Gratisregistrierung, ist aber eine tolle Zeitung).

India's economy is spawning a growing middle class, a host of world-class companies, a booming stock market and a new image for this nation of more than one billion people.
But those very reforms and conditions are also reducing the prospects of some of its citizens. India may be "shining," in the description of a controversial and expensive government publicity campaign, but it is also struggling to generate jobs.
The public sector, once a stalwart of security, has lost some 4.5 million jobs in the past six years. In this state, Andhra Pradesh, government recruitment has been frozen, and the government has cottoned to private sector practicalities. Street sweeping, once a government job that paid triple what it does now and came with medical care, a pension, annual leave and job security, has been outsourced to private contractors, who offer none of that.

The streets of Hyderabad have never been cleaner, the city's budget never leaner, and for workers, the insecurity and indigence never greater.
With greater efficiencies, global competition, cheap capital and new technology, private companies are doing more with fewer employees.
For many Indians, then, the dismantling of a quasi-socialist economy that began in 1991, and the growing globalization of the past five years, have meant only the trickle-down of raised expectations and lowered opportunity. As both economic and population growth outpace employment growth, economists say, the country's official unemployment figure of about 8 percent masks a far higher real rate.
Employment from outsourcing jobs from the United States, Mr. Gupta noted, is "big for the upper middle class, but for the country as a whole very small."
There is little Mr. Naidu has not done to lure high-tech companies here, from offering virtually free land to declaring information technology an "essential service," meaning employees cannot strike.
For Microsoft, which wanted a rectangular plot, he reconfigured a nearby business school and expedited the building of roads. For Computer Associates, which wanted a piece of land reserved for the financial district, he ordered the financial district shifted.
Even as a lack of water has devastated farmers across the state, Mr. Naidu has ensured Vanenburg IT Park, the idyllic 20-acre campus where Deloitte India and others sit, enough water for meticulously landscaped grounds year-round.

Even as Mr. Naidu has demanded that consumers and farmers pay more for inconsistent power, he has offered 25 percent power discounts to companies locating here.
In part, Mr. Naidu's blandishments reflect the dynamics of the global rush to India. As more cities, from Bangalore to Chennai (formerly Madras), compete for information technology companies, the companies have the leverage.



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