Autor Thema: Dauerproblem: Benachrichtigung bei Kalendereinträgen...  (Gelesen 4317 mal)

Offline MartinG

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Habe seit Anfangszeiten von meinem Notes-Leben (1999) das Problem das immer wieder bei Kalendereinträgen keine optische Benachrichtigung per Messagebox erfolgt...

Extrem bemerkbar macht es sich vor allem bei Erinnerungen aber auch bei wdh. Besprechungen.

Bekannt ist mir bisher folgendes:

Die Alarme werden in der $Alarms - Ansicht angezeigt - alle wo dort drinstehen die funktionieren auch. Alle anderen jedoch nicht. Folgende Möglichkeiten zur Fehlersuche kenne ich:

a) NOTES.INI Eintrag:
$EnableAlarms = 1

war bisher aber immer korrekt gesetzt

b) Ansicht von $Alarms kaputt, diese kann man dann mit
load updall mail\mailfilename.nsf -t "($alarms)" -r   reparieren

Leider funktioniert das auch nur zu schätzungsweise 50%....

Jetzt habe ich das Problem das bei einer Kollegin so gut wie kein einziger Kalendereintrag mehr funktioniert und demzufolge die Ansicht $Alarms sehr sehr leer ist. Die oben genannten Ansätze haben auch zu keiner Lösung geführt - das einzige was geht ist in jeden einzelnen Termin reinzugehen und die Benachrichtigung auszuschalten und wieder einzuschalten. Leider hat die Userin über 700 (in Worten: siebenhundert) Termine im Kalender wovon 90% nicht mehr funktionieren. Oder hat zufällig hierfür jemand netterweise ein Script in der Schublade?


PS: Ich vermute das es vielleicht daran liegen könnte das wir das Update der Mailschablone nicht per convert gemacht haben sonder per Schablone wechseln, weil es immer nur Termine sind die noch unter R5 erstellt wurden....

Wir leben zwar alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht den gleichen Horizont.


  • Gast
Re:Dauerproblem: Benachrichtigung bei Kalendereinträgen...
« Antwort #1 am: 06.05.04 - 20:54:11 »
Hier was aus der KBASE:
Troubleshooting Script for Calendar Alarms in Notes 4.5x/4.6x/5.x

This is a troubleshooting script that should be used if Alarms are not working in the Calendar of your Notes 4.5x/4.6x or 5.x mail file. THINGS TO CHECK: 1. For information on how to set an alarm, refer to Section IV. of the document, "The Alarms Daemon (System) in Notes/Domino 4.5x, 4.6x and 5.x" (#146360). 2. Notes checks the location document in the personal Name & Address Book (NAB) to find the location of the user's mail file. Make sure that in the Mail section/tab of the Location document


This is a troubleshooting script that should be used if Alarms are not working in the Calendar of your Notes 4.5x/4.6x or 5.x mail file.


1. For information on how to set an alarm, refer to Section IV. of the document, "The Alarms Daemon (System) in Notes/Domino 4.5x, 4.6x and 5.x" (#146360).

2. Notes checks the location document in the personal Name & Address Book (NAB) to find the location of the user's mail file.  Make sure that in the Mail section/tab of the Location document, the Mail File Location and Mail File fields are pointing to the correct mail file.

3. Make sure that alarms are enabled in your mail file.
- In 4.5x/4.6x, open the mail file and select Actions, Calendar Tools, Calendar Profile.  In the Scheduling Options section, make sure that the "Enable alarm notifications" option is checked.
- In 5.x, open the mail file and select Actions, Tools, Preferences; then switch to the Calendar tab, then the Alarms sub-tab.  Make sure the "Enable Alarms" checkbox is selected.

4. If you are using Notes 4.5 Client and Domino 4.5 Server, check to make sure that Notes is not minimized.  If Notes is minimized, and another application is in the foreground, the Alarm dialog box will not display.  This issue has been addressed in Notes 4.51 Client and Domino 4.51 Server.  For more information on this issue, refer to the document, "Alarms for Calendar Entries Do Not Display if Notes R4.5 is Minimized with Applications Running" (#146005).

5. Check the Notes.ini on the workstation to make sure the 'Enable alarm notifications' setting was stored properly.  It should read as:


If it is set to "0", then the alarms are not enabled.  

6.  The index on the $Alarms folder may be out of date.  Rebuild the $Alarms folder of the mail file.  To do this run the following command on the server:

load updall mail\filename.nsf -t "($alarms)" -r

7. See if the Naldaemn is active on the computer.  In Windows 95 select the CTRL+ALT+DELETE keys to access the Task List and see if Naldaemn is active.  In Windows NT look at the Task Manager.

8. Find the Naldaemn.exe and compare it in size and date with a copy of Naldaemn.exe on a computer where the alarms are working properly.  In the operating system on the computer where the alarms are not working, rename the Naldaemn.exe file (it should be located in the Notes folder) to another name (for example, Naleaemn.old).  Then copy the Naldaemn.exe from the computer where the alarms are working to the same location where you renamed the file.

9. Replace design of the mail file.

10. If you are using a modified mail template, replace the database design with that of the original StdR45Mail or StdR46Mail or StdR50Mail template (depending on the version of Notes/Domino you are using).  If alarms now work, at this point the customized design can be reapplied.   Please note that customized mail templates are not supported by Notes Support Services.

11. Try a different date format in the Operating System.  In Windows 95 select Start, Settings, Control Panel and double-click the Regional Settings icon.  On the Date tab, be sure to make a note of the current entry in the Short Date Style field.  Then try changing it to a different date format and see if the alarms work after the change.


12. If none of the steps above work you will need to further isolate the problem.  To see if the problem is machine-specific take your Notes ID and go to another machine which has Notes 4.5x/4.6x/5.x (with the corresponding R4.5 or R4.6 or R5 mail template) installed.  Switch to your ID in Notes, create a new location document and test to see if the alarms work on that machine.  If they do, you may need to reinstall Notes on the original machine, or it could be an operating system issue.

13. To see if the problem is mail-file specific, the Notes administrator can create a new mail file for you after renaming your original mail file.  If the alarms work in the new mail file you may have to copy and paste entries from the old mail file to the new mail file.


14. If all else fails, collect the following information and contact Notes Support Services:

Notes Version
Operating System version and patches

Related Documents:

The Alarms Daemon (System) in Notes/Domino 4.5x, 4.6x and 5.x
Document #:  7003095   (146360)  

Mail Notifications Set in Alarms Are not Sent for Missed Alarms in Notes/Domino 5.x C&S
Document #:  1101170   (178054)  


  • Gast
Re:Dauerproblem: Benachrichtigung bei Kalendereinträgen...
« Antwort #2 am: 06.05.04 - 20:54:54 »
The Alarms Daemon (System) in Notes/Domino 4.5x, 4.6x and 5.x


This technical paper defines the Alarms Daemon (System) in Notes Client and Domino Server. It is divided into the following sections: I. The Alarms Daemon Defined
II. Enabling the Alarms Daemon
III. How the Alarms Daemon Works
IV. How to Set an Alarm
A. For an Individual Calendar Entry
B. For all Calendar Entries of a Particular Type
V. Responding to Missed Alarms I. The Alarms Daemon Defined: In order to free up the Notes workstation program from constantly checking for alarms in the user's ma


This technical paper defines the Alarms Daemon (System) in Notes Client and Domino Server.  It is divided into the following sections:

I.    The Alarms Daemon Defined
II.   Enabling the Alarms Daemon
III.  How the Alarms Daemon Works
IV. How to Set an Alarm
A. For an Individual Calendar Entry
B. For all Calendar Entries of a Particular Type
V.  Responding to Missed Alarms

I. The Alarms Daemon Defined:

In order to free up the Notes workstation program from constantly checking for alarms in the user's mail file, a background process was developed, a Notes addin program, called the Alarms Daemon.  The Alarms Daemon keeps track of alarms that are set, and sends a request to Notes when an alarm needs to be displayed. This Alarms Daemon is initiated once you have enabled alarms through the Calendar Profile or the NOTES.INI.  This setting is turned off by default.

II. Enabling the Alarms Daemon:

To enable alarms from within the Notes Client, open your mail file and select Actions, Calendar Tools, Calendar Profile.  In the Scheduling Options section, select the "Enable alarm notifications" checkbox.  Select the OK action button to save the change in your mail file's Calendar Profile document.  This change is also stored in Notes workstation's NOTES.INI file as $EnableAlarms=1 (when $EnableAlarms=0, the Alarms Daemon is off).

Note:  Since the Alarms Daemon process is started by a setting in the NOTES.INI, you must exit and restart the Notes client whenever you change the "Enable alarm notifications" setting.  Simply changing this setting without restarting will not turn the Alarms Daemon on or off; you also need to restart the Notes client.

III. How the Alarms Daemon Works:

*   When Notes is initialized, it checks the NOTES.INI for the $EnableAlarms setting.  If this is set to $EnableAlarms=1 the Alarms Daemon will start.

*  Notes reads the Location document in the personal Name and Address book to find the location of the user's mail file. It then checks the mail file to make sure the user has selected "Enable alarm notifications" in the Scheduling Options section of the Calendar Profile (if "Enable alarm notifications" isn't selected, then this process terminates).

*  The Alarms Daemon then checks the "($Alarms)" hidden folder to see if any alarms were scheduled to go off prior to TODAY.  If so, the missed alarms will display in a Missed Alarms dialog box.  The Alarms Daemon will process missed alarms only once during the session.  If you set an appointment for yesterday you will not be notified unless you exit and restart the client.

*  For the rest of the session the Alarms Daemon process will run and notify the user according to alarms set for meetings, appointments, etc.  These are current alarms and should display to the user at the specified time.  By default, the Alarms Daemon polls the user's mail server every 10 minutes to check for upcoming alarms that will need processing.  This polling interval can be modified by an undocumented Notes.ini parameter:

AlarmCheckFrequency=<# in minutes>

Normally, this value should not be set below the default value, as the polling actually opens a session on the server, and can cause a slight increase in load on the server, depending on how many clients have the Alarms Daemon enabled.

IV. How to Set an Alarm:

Alarms can be set individually in each calendar entry, or for all Calendar entries of a particular type.

A. For an Individual Calendar Entry:

1. Either select Create, Calendar Entry to create a new entry, or double-click the desired existing Calendar entry and select Edit Document from the Action bar.
2. Select Alarm Options from the Action bar.  (If you haven't enabled the alarm system, the message "You have not enabled alarms in your Calendar Profile.  Do you want to enable them now?" displays.  Select Yes.)
3. Do one of the following:

- Select Before or After and specify the number of minutes before or after the entry that you want to set the alarm for.
 that you want to set the alarm for.

4. (Optional) Change the message in the Alarm Message field.  Notes uses the Calendar entry's brief description as the alarm message by default.  You can change the Alarm Message text if desired.
5. Select OK.
6. Select Save and Close from the Action bar to save the calendar.  This sets the alarm.

When the Alarm dialog box displays at its designated time, you can select OK to clear the alarm, or Snooze to keep the alarm active and have it display again at a later time (i.e., 10 minutes later).

B. For all Calendar Entries of a Particular Type:

Alarms can also be set for all Calendar entries of a particular type, such as for all meetings, all appointments, etc.

1. In 4.5x/4.6x select Actions, Calendar Tools, Calendar Profile.
Or in 5.x select Actions, Tools, Preferences; select the Calendar tab, then select the Alarms sub tab.

2. If the "Enable Alarm Notifications" checkbox ("Enable Alarms" in 5.x) is not selected, select it.
3. Select "Automatically set alarm(s) for" (<-- in 4.5x/4.6x only) and set an alarm for all Calendar entries of a particular type.  For example:

- To set an alarm for all appointments and meetings, select Appointments/Meetings and specify the number of minutes in advance that you want to set the alarm for.
- To set an alarm for all events, select Events and specify the number of days in advance that you want to set the alarm for.

4. Once you have set all desired alarms, select OK.

When an Alarm dialog box displays at its designated time, you can select OK to clear the alarm, or Snooze to keep the alarm active and have it display again at a later time (i.e., 10 minutes later).

Note: If you set an alarm for an individual Calendar entry, it will override the alarm defaults that you set in the Calendar Profile.

V. Responding to Missed Alarms:

When you start Notes, the Alarms Daemon checks the "($Alarms)" hidden folder to see if any alarms were scheduled to go off since you last exited Notes.  If alarms are set prior to Notes startup, the message "You missed x alarms.  Do you want to display them now?" displays.

1. When Notes asks if you want to display missed alarms, do one of the following:

-  To clear the missed alarms, select No.
-  To display the missed alarms, select Yes.

If you select Yes, Notes displays the Missed Alarms dialog box, which shows a description of the calendar entry associated with each missed alarm.

2. If you selected Yes, do one of the following:

-  To repeat some of the alarms 10 minutes later and clear the rest, select the alarms you want to repeat and select Snooze.
-  To repeat some of the alarms a different number of minutes later and clear the rest, specify the number of minutes in the Snooze for field and then select Snooze.
-  To clear all of the alarms, select Done.

Note:  If you select Snooze and exit Notes before the selected alarms go off again, Notes clears the alarms.

Related Documents:

Troubleshooting Script for Calendar Alarms in Notes 4.5x/4.6x/5.x
Document #:  163373  

Offline MartinG

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Re:Dauerproblem: Benachrichtigung bei Kalendereinträgen...
« Antwort #3 am: 06.05.04 - 21:00:49 »
Wooooh, das ging aber fix. Vielen Dank für die Infos. Dann werde ich diese mal durchackern....

Wir leben zwar alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht den gleichen Horizont.

Offline tom777

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Re: Dauerproblem: Benachrichtigung bei Kalendereinträgen...
« Antwort #4 am: 21.06.07 - 12:52:06 »
Hallo Martin,
hat das bei Dir mit den Kalendereinträgen funktioniert?
Das die Erinnerungen wieder da sind!
Habe jetzt auch zwei User mit dem Problem, wenn man die Benachrichtigung einschaltet und wieder aktiviert, funzt es :)
Aber bei hunderten von Einträgen ist es keine tolle Arbeit :)

Gruß Tom

Offline MartinG

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Re: Dauerproblem: Benachrichtigung bei Kalendereinträgen...
« Antwort #5 am: 21.06.07 - 13:15:48 »
Wir haben das Problem unter 6.x nie gelöst bekommen. Inzwischen sind wir auf 7.02 und dieses Problem ist -zumindest- bei neuen Einträgen behoben. Von daher habe ich mich nicht mehr damit beschäftigt...
Wir leben zwar alle unter dem gleichen Himmel, aber wir haben nicht den gleichen Horizont.

Offline tom777

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Re: Dauerproblem: Benachrichtigung bei Kalendereinträgen...
« Antwort #6 am: 21.06.07 - 13:36:09 »
Danke für die Info!
Leider sind wir auf 7.0.2 umgestiegen und haben das Problem mit den alten Einträgen!
Hattest Du noch was getest oder noch ne Idee???

Gruß Tom


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